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liked by sydneyhayes, jamiedrysdale and 481 others

taylormctavish: spot the 🐕

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jamiedrysdale: the kid never covers the dogs 

taylormctavish: it's a hazard

trevorzegras: u guys are mean 😐

mmctavish: stealing my friends I see 

taylormctavish: okay kiddo

user0: i'm so jealous she's friends with Jamie and Z 😢

taylormctavish: you can have them

The three friends were sitting on the roof of Jamie and Trevors house watching the sunset, listening to Trevors rooftop playlist. They had drank a couple beers each, leaving them slightly drunk. Taylor and Jamie were sitting on the couch they had moved on to the roof, while Trevor was laying down looking at the stars. A big yawn came from Taylor, as she lay down with her legs over Jamie, "what time is it?" she asked the boys. 

"9:58" they answered at the same time. 

"Do you want to go home soon" Jamie asked her. 

"Yeah if that's okay with you guys" she responded. 

"I don't know if I'm sober enough to drive yet" Jamie said.

Trevor sat up and looked over at Taylor, "Im can drive you, I only had 2 beers and I have a good tolerance".

"You sure" she asked. 

"Of course, want to go now?".

"Sure, I just need to grab my stuff" Taylor responded. 

Taylor and Trevor went inside, leaving Jamie on the roof playing his guitar. They grabbed Taylors things and walked outside to Trevors car. Jamie yelled goodbye from the roof and waved as they drove away. 

"Thanks for driving me Trev, I know its getting late and you are tired from today" Taylor said breaking the silence. 

"You don't have to thank me T, of course i'll drive you" he said moving his hand over to her leg, which Taylor grabbed and moved it over so he was grabbing her thigh. 

"I didn't tell Mason I was on my way" she said looking over at him.

"What does that mean" Trevor responded with a confused look.

"It means that we could take a little detour to somewhere private and he wouldn't know" she said grinning. Without having to say more Trevor took the next turn and drove into an empty parking lot, looking over the ocean. He parked the car far away from the road and turned the engine off, leaving the music on with low volume. 

"Kinda pissed at Jamie for interrupting us earlier" He said unbuckling his seatbelt. 

"Me too, thought he was better then that" Taylor said unbuckling hers and shifting her body towards Trevor.

"He can't interrupt us now" Trevor said, looking down at Taylors lips. 

She moved closer to him and rested her hand on his cheek, before breaking the space between him. Trevor grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her back with passion, deepening the kiss. Taylor ran her hands through his messy wavy hair, playing with it as they kissed. She wrapped her fingers through it and gave it a little pull, causing Trevor to moan into her lips.

"Fuck T, do that again" he mumbled while still kissing her. 

She slowly pulled away from the kiss, causing Trevor to give her a confused look. 

"Did I do something?" he asked.

Taylor smiled and climbed over the centre console, straddling his lap. "No, I just wanted to get comfy" she said before kissing his neck. She played with the bottom of his shirt, before pulling it off of him. Taylor traced her finger along his collar bones before dragging it down his stomach, following his abs.

"You're so gorgeous" he said looking into her eyes. 

"Shut up" Taylor said, kissing him again.

Trevor started to take off the hoodie Taylor was wearing, only breaking the kiss when needed, leaving her in the lacy black bra she was wearing underneath. His eyes traced her body, admiring every curve. The two of them sat just looking at each other, admiring the silence and company. Trevors hands traced the waistband of Taylors sweatpants, tugging at them little by little. He un-tied them but was stopped by Taylor before he could continue.

"Do you have a condom?" she asked. "I'm on the pill and I get tested regularly but I still want to use one".

"Fuck, no I don't have one in here" he replied with a disappointed tone in his voice. He leaned back in his seat, dropping his hands from her waist and placing them on her thighs. 

"Shit Trev, why".

"I don't just keep condoms in my car Taylor, and I rarely even hookup with girls in it either" he said annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that" she said playing with a strand of his hair.

"How about I drive you home, and make you a promise that I have some in here for next time".

A smile grew on her lips, he had just said exactly what she wanted him to. Taylor nodded her head and placed a kiss on his lips before climbing back over into the passenger seat of Trevors car. He started the engine and started to pull out of the parking spot before Taylor interrupted him. 

"Trevor, keep some in your room too okay" she said, placing her hand on his leg.

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now