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Today was the day that Trevor and Taylor were driving to see his family. She was sitting in the passenger seat picking at her fingers due to how nervous she was. Trevor noticed and grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers hoping it would help calm the nerves. She had packed an overnight bag since Trevor convinced her to stay the night with him, since he wanted to make pancakes for breakfast the next day like Taylor did growing up.

The two of them arrived at the family home just before lunch time. Trevors sister Ava was the first person to greet them, running up and hugging Taylor first before going and saying hi to her brother.

"I'm so happy you came Taylor, finally I'm not the only girl and I have a teammate for family game night" Ava told her, helping unpack the car.

Trevors mom Julie was the second person to come say hi, along with the family dog Louie who jumped up on Taylor.

"You must be Louie" she said squatting down so the dog could say hi. Trevor smiled when he saw his mom, walking up and giving her a big hug.

Taylor stood up and walked over to tremors mom, giving her a big hug and introducing herself.

"It's so nice to finally meet you sweetie, Trevor won't stop talking about you" Julie said hugging the girl tight.

They walked into the house and showed Taylor to her room where her and Trevor would be staying. Trevors dad came to say hi, happy that Trevor had finally brought her home to meet the family. Julie had prepared a big dinner all day so Taylor helped her set the table while Trevor was outside golfing in the yard with his dad, getting to spend some quality time with him during the busy season.

"I'm really happy Trev met a girl like you Taylor, you make him so happy" Julie said handing her the bowl of salad.

"He makes me so happy too, you have raised an incredibly guy Mrs. Zegras".

"Oh please call me Julie, you are family too now you know". Taylor smiled at the woman, realising what a beautiful family she had become a part of.

Dinner was long because of all the stories that were told about Trevor when he was growing up. Ava loved telling embarrassing stories of her older brother and watching his reaction, which normally was him hiding his face with his hands. Taylor helped clean up before they went to the couch to watch a movie together. They all decided on Happy Gilmore, one of Trevors favourite movies, and made some popcorn to snack on.

After the movie they went into their separate rooms to go to bed, since they had a big day planned tomorrow. Trevor wanted to bring Louie so he quickly grabbed him before Ava could, carrying him into his and Taylors room. Taylor came in right after them, shutting the door behind her.

"Look at my baby" Trevor said holding his dog.

"Let me take a picture of you guys" Taylor said pulling out her phone and taking a picture of them.



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liked by avazegs, trevz11 and 482 others

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liked by avazegs, trevz11 and 482 others...

taylormct: louie stole my boy

view 184 comments....

trevz11: no, you stole his
taylormct: we can share...

jimmyd: caption made me gag
masmclavish: same

aturcs: bring him back to cali
taylormct: I might, louie is my new bestie
sydthekid: not the dog replacing me 🤨

The couple got ready and climbed into bed with Louie on a blanket by their legs. Trevor was playing with Taylor hair while she told him about how much she loved his family, making his heart beat at an unusual pace. He had never brought a girl home to his family like this, and it meant so much that it went so well. His mom had pulled him aside and said how much she loved Taylor, also threatening him that he would be disowned if he ever did anything to hurt or lose her.

Today had confirmed what Trevor had been thinking since the day he met Taylor, this was his person and they were meant to be together.

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now