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After everyone had left it was just Trevor, Jack and Taylor left in the living room talking. Taylor was cuddled up with Trevor while Jack was beside them on his phone. Trevor couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Taylor had a threesome and he hadn't.

"Hey T, who was your threesome with" he asked breaking the silence between the three of them.

"My old friend and this guy she was into" she responded.

"Would you ever have one again" Jack asked her smiling.

"Why, do you wanna have one with trev and I" she joked. Her and Trevor laughed but jack was silent, looking at them with a serious look.

"Are you for real right now" Trevor asked him.

"Just for fun, I'm not into any of you guys like that but it would be a hell of an experience" Jack said.

Trevor and Taylor looked at each other, knowing exactly what the other person was thinking.

"I'm down but your dick stays away from my ass" Trevor said causing them all to laugh.

"Are you serious Trev" Taylor asked him with a sneaky look on her face. he. He nodded to her question, making her look over at Jack smiling.

"I'm down you guys" She said, grabbing Trevors hand and making him stand up. She walked over and grabbed jacks as well, forcing him up off the couch.

They walked into Trevors room locking the door behind them, luckily Cole was staying in the guest room so they wouldn't have any interruptions. Jack and Trevor both looked at Taylor with blank stares not knowing where to start. Taylor walked up to Trevor and kissed him, before walking up to Jack and doing the same.

The boys were a bit awkward because of their lack of experience, but Taylor confidence was enough to make it work.

"Just go with the flow guys, do what you normally do" she told them, trying to reassure them.

Trevor started to unbutton her pants while Jack went behind her and moved her hair away from her shoulder, before kissing her neck. She leaned her head back onto Jacks chest before Trevor removed her pants and told her to go sit on the bed. 

Jack took off his shirt and went to the other side of the bed, kissing Taylor diagonally while Trevor went down on her. Trevor then flipped her over to where she was on her hands and knees, giving him the perfect angle to enter her. While he was thrusting into her Taylor grabbed Jacks erection and put it in her mouth. 

She switched her attention between the boys throughout, making sure to give her boyfriend extra. Taylor didn't want to admit it but she loved the attention she was getting from the both of them. 

After Trevor had worked her for a while, they switched positions so Jack could take over. It was weird for Trevor to see his best friend and girlfriend have sex, but even if it was jack who was inside her she kept her attention on Trevor, kissing him and playing with his hair like he loved. The three of them continued to switch positions throughout until everyone had finished, leaving them exhausted afterwords. They lay there breathing heavily before Trevor broke the silence. 

"I can't believe we just did that" he said, causing the three of them to laugh.

"Wanna do it again?" Taylor joked.

"Yes" both Jack and Trevor answered at the same time.

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now