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The four days away from Trevor had gone by fast. Taylor and Sydney had just landed in New York, both excited to see their boyfriends. They had a few hours in the city before they had to meet up with the boys for their game against the devils.

Taylor had booked a beautiful hotel room in central NYC so the girls had easy access for shopping. Sydney was leaving two days before Taylor to go home and visit her family, before meeting up with Jamie and meeting his. They walked into their hotel room, shocked by how beautiful the view from the window was.

"Taylor how much did this cost you" Sydney asked.

"Too much, but it's so worth it" she replied.

They put their bags on the floor and got changed into some cuter clothes, before grabbing their purses and heading out into the city. Taylor wanted to go shopping before grabbing a late lunch before the game. They had made plans to meet up with the boys for dinner after their game since they were busy during the day.

The girls shopped for hours before heading back to the hotel room to prepare for the game. Taylor hopped in the shower first while Sydney prepped her outfit. They did their makeup and got dressed, both wearing ducks jerseys to support their favourite team. Sydney wore a Drysdale jersey, while Taylor wore a Mctavish one to support her brother. Her and Trevor had made a deal that she would alternate between his and Masons jerseys so she could support both the boys that she loves.

The girls jumped into a cab and headed over to the rink. When they arrived to the arena they found their seats and went down to the glass to see their team warmup. Trevor skated up to the glass, happy to see his girlfriend. Jamie and Mason followed, smiling and waving when they saw the familiar faces. Jamie threw over a puck for Sydney, blowing a kiss afterwords. The girls watched them warmup before heading to their seats, waiting for the game to start.



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liked by mmctavish, alexturcotte and 8, 824 otherstaylormctavish: I ❤️ NYC

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liked by mmctavish, alexturcotte and 8, 824 others
taylormctavish: I ❤️ NYC

view all 1,842 comments...

trevorzegras: I ❤️ you
taylormctavish: I ❤️ you too trev

alexturcotte: miss you guys
taylormctavish: miss you too alex

user7482: im so jealous

anaheimducks: #1 ducks supporter 🦆
taylormctavish: my favourite team

user8294: she's in nyc with Trevor?
user021: don't his parents live in New York
user3729: omg is she going to meet his family

jackhughes: supporting the wrong team T
taylormctavish: never 🦆😤

After the game was over the girls went down to wait for the boys. The ducks lost 2-5 to the devils but they tried super hard. Trevor got a goal so Taylor was excited to go congratulate him. They took an uber to the restaurant downtown, listening to music and catching up on the way there. Trevor had missed Taylor so much he didn't want to let go of her hand.

When they came to the restaurant they all went to sit down at their reserved table. They all ordered their food and got some drinks while waiting. Trevor and Taylor were sitting beside each other, not being able to keep their eyes and hands off of each other. Jamie was telling the girls about their trip to New York and how he never wanted to live there since its so busy.

Jack met up with them for dinner, coming a bit later since he had some media to do. He brought his teammate Nico, introducing him to the others. While the boys were talking Sydney pulled Taylor aside to go to the bathroom with her, not wanting to go alone. They walked into the bathroom and started to touch up their makeup, making sure they looked their best. Taylor noticed Sydney looking pale but didn't want to say anything incase her friend was nervous.

Taylor decided to say something anyways, just incase something as wrong. "You okay Syd".

"I feel so nauseous dude" she responded.

"Maybe you ate something bad today for lunch".

"No I don't think that's it" she said.

"I don't know what else it could be, maybe your just tired" Taylor told her friend.

"Yeah, maybe it's from the travel".

"Unless you're pregnant?" Taylor joked.

Sydney looked up at her with tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh my god, are you pregnant".

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now