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Trevor texted Taylor to let her know that Jack and Cole had landed safely and were getting their bags. She was back home at her place hanging out and spending quality sibling time with Mason. They were sitting and watching Happy Gilmore one of their favourite movies, and eating popcorn.

"I missed hanging out with just you" he told her.

"Awe that's so sweet" she told him. "I missed us hanging out too".

"So you and Trev are officially dating eh?" he asked.

"Yeah, he makes me happy and he's a good friend to you too" Taylor replied.

"You make him happy too T" Mason said glancing over at his sister.

They finished the movie and got a text from Z that they should come over and say hi. Taylor grabbed her phone and wallet and went to the car to wait for Mason. The two of them drove over to Jamie and Trevors place, excited to say hi to Cole and Jack. Taylor walked into the house first, getting a big hug from Trevor.

"Hi T, come say hi to Cole and Jack" he said.

They walked into the living room where Taylor was greeted with bug hugs from both the guys.

"It's so nice to finally meet you guys" Taylor told them.

"So this is the girl making you all giddy" Cole said.

"It sure is" Trevor responded.

They decided to go take a walk around the neighbourhood to show Cole and Jack around, before grabbing dinner at chipotle, where they took reunion pics of the boys.



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liked by colecaufield, taylorzegras and 98,582 otherstrevorzegras: wild wing + friends

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liked by colecaufield, taylorzegras and 98,582 others
trevorzegras: wild wing + friends

view all 13,953 comments

jackhughes: missed you z
trevorzegras: missed you too rowdy

user39482: Is he dating masons sister????

colecaufield: wheres the pic of me...
mmctavish: I'm wondering the same thing
alexturcotte: me 2

taylormctavish: did you just friend zone me through a caption
trevorzegras: no...

user37429: who is the girl in the last pic

After they got back they all decided to watch a movie and just hangout. It had been a long travel day for Cole and Jack so they just wanted to relax and take it easy. The group made plans to have a drinking night at Trevor and Jamie's place tomorrow which would be fun for Taylor giving her a change to get to know the boys better, and spend some quality time with her boyfriend.

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now