Chapter One

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 It was the moment of truth. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and he looked into mine. I couldn't believe this moment was actually happening. Only a week ago had I finally arrived.

"Emma..EMMA! Wake up!" My brother Nick said "we have to get ready to goto the airport! Our plane leaves in 4 hours!"

"Alright.." I mumbled and rolled myself out of the warm comfort of my bed. I pulled on the shower to start off my day. Later following, i threw on a comfy pair of black leggings, a tank top, and my white chucks. I couldn't wait to spend my whole summer on the beautiful coast of California. My cousin Gabbi invited Nick and I to spend the summer with herself and my aunt in San Clemente. I could barely stand It any longer, I would soon be digging my toes into the warm sandy beach  instead of walking around the wild streets of Times Square.

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"EMMA!!!!!" I hear as two arms wrap around my chest.

"GABBI!" I chuckle while giving her a big hug. She was my only cousin I had and I rarely got to see her. But when I  did, we tell each other everything about our lives, we are practically sisters for that short period of time.

" Nicholas! You're getting so big! Last time I saw you, you were just a toddler!"

" Well of course gabs! I'm already ten years old now!" Nick said

Gabbi giggled, " wow Nicky! Getting old!"

We grabbed our suitcases and headed for the car. Gabbi's house was always a fun place to go because it was huge and only a couple blocks  down from the beach.

"Anyone hungry?" Aunt Beckie asks

"YES" we all shout almost falling out of our seats. Honestly, I was beyond hungry. During the 6 hour flight all I managed to eat was a bag of peanuts the flight attendants gave Nick and I.  Hungry was definetly an understatement.  We stopped and got in-and-out, our favorite! We devoured the food in the bag before we even reached the house.

We had finally arrived to our destination, Gabbi's house! She showed me the room I would be staying in and then showed Nick his room. The thin salty air rushed through the room as I slowly unpacked my bag in "my new house". Gabbi eventually  came in and helped me unpack.

"Hey Emma! Do you want to walk to the beach and walk around for awhile, I have a ton of stuff to tell you! We can even watch the sunset!"

" I thought you'd never ask!" I said joyfully. Going to the beach was my main goal this summer. I loved everything about the coast, from the cool salty water to the ends of the sandy docks.

As we make our way to the beach she tells me all about her boyfriend, Sam. " you know Em, I think I might really love this guy... I mean, he's perfect! His brown curls, his perfect golden-tan body, and definitely his abs! His abs are BEYOND PERFECT!" We laughed rolling around the sand, but then decided to stay quiet and take pictures of the sunset. As I watched the fiery red sun sink into the forever ending water, all I could think of is how perfect this summer is going to be. I never want to go back to New York. California is perfect... Does it ever have to end? I looked over at Gabbi, her eyes  lite up with emotions in her eyes, love.

"Gabbi!? What happened!? I know it's something with you and Sam!" I teased

"What? Ohh  I sent him a picture of the sunset and quoted 'oh darling I love you so' and he replied 'if you'd ask me for my heart there's no way that ill say no' " her eyes lite up even more.

"Gabbi you really love him don't you!? You couldn't say one word without having a grin from ear to ear!"

" I really think I do Emma.. I really do.. I mean I've felt things with my other boyfriends but nothing like this! Every time I talk to him I get butterfly's in my stomach..but the good butterfly's! I've never felt this way before.. When I'm with him everything just seems perfect, like nothing terrible could ever happen while I'm with him. I'm so much in love with this guy, I feel like it's almost too good to be true sometimes." Chills shivered down my body. I looked up at her, tears were streaming down her  rosy red cheeks. I gave her a big tight squeeze. I wiped the tears off her cheeks and she pulled herself back together, " I hope that's not the case though, I really think I've found the one."

"Gabbi, everything will be me! This summer is going to be the best summer of our lives!"

"I'm with you Em! Summer '13.. The summer to remember!"

We take the long route back to her house stopping to get ice cream and "casually" walk by Sam's house, which happened to be huge too! I was starting to get jealous of everyone who had houses in California! In New York, all you had was apartments or suites if you live in Times Square!

When we got back to the house we were planning out what to do on our first day together, "So.. Tomorrow.. What do you want to do?"

"Beach!!" I blurted out

"Okay sweet! That's what I had in mind! Ill invite Sammy and kian! Ohh Emma, don't even get me started on Kian, you and him would be perfect! He is sweet, caring, and hot!" She giggled

"Alright! I hope so! I definitely want to meet a California guy this summer!" I smirked trying not to laugh

"Then you've found the perfect guy Em! Kian's your type of guy, you guys would be adorable!"

I felt all the blood in my body rush to my cheeks.

"I can't wait till tomorrow Emma! It's going to be a blast! Love you! Goodnight!"

"Goodnight Gabbi! Love you too! Tomorrow's going to be a blast..." My voice had gotten really shaky. My stomach felt like twenty knots were tying inside my gut. Was I already starting to fall for a guy I had never met? Was all this really happening? The main question is... Is Kian really my summer fling?

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