Chapter 8

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I woke up to Sams arms still wrapped around my waist. I turned so I was now facing him to see that he was still soundly asleep. I quietly slip from his tight grip around my waist and slip away into the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and continued to brush my teeth, all thinking of what Sam had said to me last night before we fell asleep. It tied my stomach in knots but also felt a hard stab from behind. I knew how much I liked Sam, and now that he liked me? I was finally happy and felt complete with my life except

for the two small puzzle pieces missing from the picture, Gabbi and Kian. My stomach ached in pain just thinking about everything that happened yesterday... Kians kiss, Sams kiss, Gabbis sudden walk-in, our talk, and Sam and Kians talk. My stomach was in a whirl and my head pounded so I went back and crawled back into Sams arms. It always seemed to help.

"Sam...Sam!!!" I said frantically shaking him. He mumbled out a few words that I couldn't understand and still layed there, slowly dozing off again. "SAM!" I said again still shaking him, still no movement. I rolled my eyes and did the only thing that would get him up. I bent down and pecked his lips and his eyes shot open and he pulled me into a hug.

"Morning beautiful" he smiled and said in a cute morning voice. My cheeks became a light shade of pink and a small grin crossed my face.

"Knew that would wake you up!" I chuckled.

"Hey it's the best way to wake me up!" He said with a huge smile on his face. He unwrapped his arms from my waist and got up and went into the bathroom leaving me alone on his bed. I picked up both of ours phone from the top of his dresser and turned them on. My phone turned on first and saw all the twitter mentions and text messages from Kian.

Kian- "how could you do this to me.. Let alone you're cousin? I didn't think you were like that Emma..."

My eyes burned and stomach felt like punches were being thrown straight into my gut. I decided to turn my phone off again along with Sams and put them back on top of the dresser. I threw on a loose tank top and some hollister shorta and threw my hair up in a top knot. I ran a few brushed of mascara along my eyelashes and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I began pouring a bowl of cereal until sam grabs my hand and pulls me out the front door into the front yard.

"Where are we going!?" I asked

"Just follow me!" He says with a smile. I rolled my eyes in a joking matter and continue on our path down the road.


"Ok now open!" Sams says pulling his hand away from my eyes. I looked around to see where I was standing. I see the blue waves crashing into the sand I was standing on. I stood there in confusion while Sam was giving me a look like I should get why we were here. "It's the first time I met you, best day of my life..." My cheeks burn from how much I was blushing. I give him a big tight squeeze and kiss his cheek.

We sat on the docks mostly just talking and a few kisses here and there. Then we decided to walk over to the boardwalk to get scoops of ice cream. We passed by a group of girls who all stared at Sam. I ignored their eyes and continued to walk in the direction we were headed. I turn to face Sam and see he is no longer there. I look back and see him taking pictures and talking to the girls. I casually walk back to the group where Sam was standing.

"Now that you finally broke up with that Gabbi girl you and Paige can go back out!" Some girl shouted pushing Sam and some girl next to each other. The other girl gave Sam and smirk and pulled him closer to her. My heart was beating faster. The girl was perfect, flawless skin, long brown hair, green eyes and perfect golden skin. I could honestly admit I was jealous and scared Sam would choose her over me.

"Take our picture!" Said the girl who I was now assuming was Paige. They quickly take the picture with Paige kissing Sams cheek. My jaw clenched and my cheeks went pink, I tried to ignore it but the memory kept coming back to me. Sam attempts to make his way towards me but yet again stopped by Paige.

"Soo.. How about that?" She said

becoming closer and closer to Sam. He tries to slowly back away until I walk up to Paige.

"Uhmm who are you?" She rudely asked.

"I.. Uhh.." Who am I? What am I to Sam? What does he consider me as? I stood there frozen with wide eyes and an embarrassed look.

"That's my girlfriend." Sam sternly says. My jaw drops along with the other six girls in the group including Paige. My face lite up and I could feel the biggest, stupidest grin on my face and I couldn't get it to go away. Sam walked over to me and kissed me with a passionately. We both smiled in the kiss and broke apart now noticing all the girls had their phones out and took pictures.

"Ohh... YOU'RE Emma..." Paige said rolling her eyes

"Yes.. Yes I am." I said proudly

"You're the whore who stole Sam away from you're cousin, bet she'll like what's trending on twitter now!" She said now showing me her post she posted on twitter. ' #samma is now official @kianlawley @GabbiVegaxoxo' my jaw dropped and fist clenched as my eyes became blurry from the tears building up. She had posted the picture of me and Sam kissing. She gave me an evil smirk and pulled me aside from Sam.

"Don't worry I didn't post the picture, YET!" She said emphisizing the 'yet'. I rolled my eyes in anger with her.

"What do you want?" I angerly asked

"For me to not tell the whole twitter world what you did to your cousin and Kian, and to not put this picture on... I want one thing."

"And what would that be?"

"Sam." I stood there frozen. My eyes widened and she smiled. "Find a way to dump him and make him like me and your secret is safe with us." She smirked pointing to the group of girls.

"We aren't even going out..." I shyly said hoping not to embarrass Sam and I.

"So you won't mind this?" Paige walked over to Sam and kissed him right on the lips, but worst of all.. Sam kissed back

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