Chapter Seven

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My jaw dropped when I heard the words “I have feeling for you too Emma..”. My heart soared and stomach fluttered with butterflies but tears still streamed down my face and onto the floor. I walked over to Sam who was now laying across the couch just staring at his phone. I sat down in the sofa chair right next to the couch and stared at him, his eyes teary eyed and his face a pinkish-red, especially his cheeks. I peeked over Sams shoulder and saw exactly what he was staring at. My eyes filled with tears till I couldn’t even see the screen anymore until the tears streamed down my cheeks. It was a message from Gabbi that said “we are done Sam.” I stood up and walked over to the window and sat on the windowsill, tears slid down my face rapidly. Sam looked back at me and got up from the couch and walked over to me.
“Everything is going to be alright Emma…” Sam said, while pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder until the door slammed open and Gabbi and Kian stormed in. Gabbi seemed to have calmed down a little until she saw me and Sam hugging. I pushed Sam away from me and followed them up the stairs. They slammed the door to her room behind me and I banged on the door.
“Please Gabbi, let me explain!” I sobbed, still banging on the door. There was no response. I turned my back against the wall and slowly slid down the wall crying into my legs. I heard Gabbi crying while Kian supported her telling her Sams just not the right guy. I sat there still crying until the door opened next to me and I sprung up faster than I’ve ever moved before. Kian standing there glancing at me for a quick second then continuing to walk along until I grabbed his arm. He quickly yanks it back towards him and jerks his body away.
“Kian wait! Please just talk to-“
“Emma stop, just stop. I can’t believe you! I thought you were a diff-” he paused, rolled his eyes with anger, tried to contain himself then looked up at me who was crying even more now. “Bye Emma..just..goodbye.” He said and walked into the bathroom. I opened the door to my room and grabbed some clothes and the main toiletries I needed along with my phone charger and threw it into a bag and ran down the stairs and out the door. I sat down on the stairs on the porch and continued to cry as I curled myself into a ball. Next thing I knew I was being carried by Sam and set into the passenger seat of his car.
“Sam where are we going?” I said in between sobs.
“You can’t stay there Emma, you can stay at my house..”
“Thank you Sam” I leaned over and hugged him and we both sat speechless with only “never shout never” singing in the background.
I walked into Sams room and flopped right down on the bed. I layed my face into his pillow but didn’t cry. Almost as if every time I’m with Sam everything seems ok and fine, but really was the complete opposite. He layed down on top of me and pretended he fell asleep. I fought and squirmed until I was out from under him and now on the side facing the wall scrolling through tumblr. Two strong arms wrap around me from behind and Sam pulls me closer to him. I put my phone under the pillow and turn around so we are face to face. He teases me and tells me jokes to lighten up my mood from earlier before. He pulls me even closer to him so our bodies have no room in between them. He removes his hands from my waist, brushes my hair out of my face, and puts his hands on my cheeks pulling my face to his. Our lips meet with a strong force and even a bigger spark. We continued with our lips in sync for a good minute or two until I realized yet again what I am doing. I pulled away from his perfect lips as he gave me a confused look.
“I.. Uhhh.. I’m going to go get ready for bed!” I say and ran to the bathroom as quick as I could. When I got inside I took off all my makeup and slipped on my pajamas. All I could think about was how terrible of a person I was. Gabbi was insanely in love with Sam and I just took it all away. And Sam! How could he ruin his relationship with his girlfriend and bestfriend, and now neither his ex girlfriend or his bestfriend won’t speak to me. How could Sam do that to Gabbi and Kian?
I walked back into Sams room and layed back down on his bed. He turned off all the lights and we layed down together watching Mean Girls. I felt just like Regina, a guy stealer and a total bitch. Sams arms wrapped around my body. As I went to push them off of me all of a sudden I realized who would I have without Sam and where would I be right now? So before I pushed them away I grabbed onto his grip and turned around to face him again.
“Goodnight Sam, thank you for letting me stay…” I said and kissed his cheek
“Anything for you Emma,” He smiled and I turned back around to watch the movie.”hey Emma?” He whispered
“Did you really start liking me at the beach when we first met?”
“Yeah…I thought you were kian when I first saw you and then once I found out you were Sam, I tried to forget about you but…I guess I just couldn’t… How’d you know that?”
“I still remember every word you said to me at the beach, I wanted to say them back so badly, but I knew it was wrong. Ever since we really started talking, especially after our mall/beach experience, I knew we had a special connection… I was going to break up with Gabbi because I did not have the same feelings for her as I do for you..but,” he stopped taking a deep breath and starting again.”But I didn’t know how, or what I would say about why that would be happening…but I did not mean for it to end like this… I’m so sorry.” He wiped away the tear that was falling down my cheek. I got up out of the bed reaching my hands out the Sam motioning for him to follow. He grabbed my hands and I pulled him up towards me and pulled him into a big hug.
“It’s ok Sam, it’s just as much my fault as it is mine, but we need to fix this.” I changed in some clothes and
And threw my hair up into a bun, and Sam slipped on a shirt I threw him and his vans. I grabbed his keys off his desk and ran into the drivers seat as Sam trails behind sitting down in the passengers seat.
“Where are we going Emma?” Sam questions trying to catch his breath. I give him a smirk and start the engine.
“To fix things.”

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