Chapter Nine

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My stomach dropped, along with my jaw. Sam indeed WAS a typical teenage boy. I started doubting that he ever really liked me, I was just another toy. Sam seperated the kiss and pushed Paige off of him. Paige gave me a huge smirk and restated her question.

“You didn’t care did you? I would feel SO bad if you two had a thing..” She said in a sarcastic attitude. I rolled my eyes and could feel them getting glossy and start to burn. I decided to hold myself together and not cry as Sam was staring at me with a nervous look on his face.

“No… Not at all…” I chocked out. But honestly it hurt more than ever. I could tell my words also hurt Sam as his jaw dropped, but at this point I didn’t even care. Paige was gorgeous from her perfect hair and make up to clothes, that was an obvious fact. It makes total sense why any guy would go or her, besides her personality.

“Oh ok!” She forced a fake laugh while staring at Sam. Sam was still staring at be with a blank expression. I slowly made my way to the boardwalk and walked in the Starbucks and ordered a drink. I finally got it and sat down on the couch, alone. I now had nobody to talk to let alone even know anyone else in San Clemente. I’ve barely been here and all I have managed to meet we’re Sam & Kian. I had hurt Kian and Sam had hurt me and my cousin won’t talk to me either, but I wouldn’t blame her. Who would talk to a girl who kissed your boyfriend? I sat there in silence on my phone as someone approached me. I looked up to see a guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes stand before me.

“Hey you look sad? Are you ok?” He asked. I blankly stare at his perfect complexion. “Oh by the way I’m Jarrad.”

Sams POV

My life feels incomplete. First I lost Kian and now I have lost Emma. Once Paige kissed me it brought back all the memories we had together and I just got caught up in the moment. Gosh I am so stupid sometimes. I broke up with Paige for a reason, she personality. And it was continuing to stay like that, I had absolutely NO feelings for Paige, only Emma. And if I loose Emma, I don’t know what I am going to do. I’ve never liked a girl this much before. Every time I am around her I get butterfly’s and I always have a smile on my face. She always brought a feeling to me I never have felt with any other girl… If I loose her I will fall apart. I sat on the docks watching over the ocean and the beach. I see a couple walking along the beach that looks just like Emma and anither guy. She couldnt have already moved on… no way. My heart started pounding as the couple got closer and closer. I need to go find her before its too late.

Me: Emma please let me talk to you… I need to explain things. I cannot lose a girl like you…


Jarrad was cute, funny and nice! Talking to someone like him was really nice, especially at this point in my life. He always had something to say that would bring me into a good mood. Starbucks was starting to get a little crowded so we walked to the beach. He walked with his arm around my shoulder, the same way Sam does. We walked along the shore and played in the water for a good hour or so until it stared to get tiring. We talked and mostly laughed about embaressing things that has happened in our lives. I felt my back pocket vibrate. I pulled out my phone and my laughter stopped. I had got a message from Sam.

“Is everything alright?” Jarrad asked sounding concerned.

“Ohh uhh yah I’m going to have to get going though…” I frowned “I’m sorry, it was nice meeting you! You really did make my day 100% better ” I said while Jarrad is now pulling me into a hug. He pulled out my phone from my back pocket and put his number in.

“Don’t worry about it! Text me sometime so we can meet up again! You are a really special girl. ” And he handed me back my phone.

“Will do!” I smiled brightly and walked away.

Me: ok Sam. Where do you want to meet?

Sam: meet me at the docks.


I arrived at the docks and could clearly see Sam pacing back and forth seeming very worried. I walk up to him and he gives me the biggest hug in the world. I stand there with my arms to the side making no movement, even though I wanted to. I liked Sam so much but yet I felt used. My emotions were so mixed and confused. Sam eventually released me and grabbed my hands. He took a deep breathe and began.

“Listen Emma… That kiss meant nothing to me. Paige is an ex girlfriend of mine that I broke up with for a reason! She treated you like shit, because that’s how her personality is. She means nothing to me.. I got caught up I’m the moment and I wasn’t thinking. I am so sorry… The only person I want is you, and only you! I get this feeling when I’m with you that I’ve never felt before because I’ve never liked a girl as much as I like you…whenever I know I am about to see you or even see you, my heart pounds from excitement. You are all I ever think about, kissing you even though Gabbi saw it was the best decision of my Life…you are the best decision of my life Emma…” He paused and stared at me until our eyes met. “I…I love you Emma..”

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