Chapter 3

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I wake the next morning to Lyle shaking me. 

"Lyle, this is becoming a habit I'm not fond of," I groan. The sun was barely peaking in through the windows, meaning it was way too early to be woken up.

"Did you hear what the servants have been whispering about?" He says quickly, ignoring my icy glare.

"No," I snap. "I'm not a servant. Why should I care?"

His face falls and I'm immediately filled with guilt. 

"It's just that," he continues, softer. "They have suspicions about the attacks."

I perk up, sleep forgotten. "What about them?"

"They think it may be...."

"May be what?!"

"Vampires." He whispered the last word, like it was a curse. It took me a moment to process what he was saying.

"But they... Those are only myths." I said cautiously. 

"Yes but think about it. The bite marks look exactly like fangs and the bodies are all drained of blood. Draining the blood from someone like that would take ages and also, what would be the purpose? Not to mention that these attacks only happen at night." 

I could tell Lyle was convinced, even if his theory had flaws. "Let's say vampires are real. Why wait until now to reveal themselves? There hasn't been attacks like this before."

"Perhaps they weren't here before," Lyle tapped his finger against his lip as he seemed to retreat into his thoughts. "Six years ago was when the attacks started and from there, they seem to be getting worse. More bold. Maybe they want something, maybe-"

"Stop." I cut him off. "You're only throwing around absurd ideas without any proof."

He frowned. "You use to believe in all the creatures from the stories my mother read to us."

"When I was a kid." I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Can you just bring my breakfast up?"


"That's an order, Lyle." He froze at my tone before his features settled into a blank expression.

"Yes, your highness." He bowed before leaving the room, door slamming shut behind him. 

I sigh, already regretting shutting him out. That was twice I reminded him of his position and I hated it. I always said I wanted him to feel like my equal, it was the best I could do until I was king and I could make him more than just my valet. So I hated pulling my rank. It was just early and I was irritable and I didn't want to think about mythical creatures. I wanted the killer to be something I could catch. Something I could punish for taking my mom away from me, and for hurting so many others.

When Lyle came back with my food, he didn't say anything. I knew better than to try to apologize. He would need time to cool off before he forgave me so I ate in the silence of the room, alone with my thoughts.


Later, I find myself in the royal library, looking in the back with the less popular texts. 

The myths. 

I find what I was looking for, slipping out the black leather bound volume before finding a seat at one of the round tables. I flip through the text, reading all I could on vampires. 

By the time I finished the book, the day had ended and I go back to my room. I expected Lyle to be waiting for me but he wasn't there and I get ready for bed by myself. 

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