Chapter 20

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It was nearly sunrise before we went back inside. Lyle offered for me to take his room but I denied. I couldn't afford to avoid Dante now when it was crucial we all worked together. Luckily, I was great at putting my feelings aside. 

When I pushed open my door, Dante, who was leaning against the headboard fidgeting with his finger, snapped his head up. "Elliot."

"Hi," I said softly. He crosses the room to me, making me blink at him in surprise when I notice the glimmer of tears in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

He shakes his head, pulling me forward. I stumble into his arms, surprise flittering through me. "I'm sorry, Elliot. What I said was awful and you didn't deserve that. I know it's not your fault and I was just angry and stressed but that's no excuse for taking that out on you and making you feel bad about something I know you've struggled with. I can't apologize enough-"

"It's fine," I pull away from him, expecting to see relief but his facial features just contort into more guilt.

"It's not fine. I hurt you. Again." He steps away from me, running a hand through his hair. "You're the last person I ever want to hurt but I seem to be hurting you the most."

Starting to sound suspiciously like he was ending things, I grab his hand and pull him back to me. "It's our first time in a relationship. Of course we're going to mess up. What you said did hurt me but I also understand that our emotions are running high right now and you said you didn't mean it, so I forgive you." 

"You can't just forgive me that easily."

"Fine," I give him a teasing smile. "Make it up to me."

"How?" I push him back so that he falls on the bed and then I climb on top of him so I'm straddling his waist. His hands immediately find my hips, tugging me closer. 

"Like this," I whisper seconds before kissing him. 


We barely got any sleep, which was mostly my fault but the fifth time was Dante's. By the time we cleaned up, it was nearing nightfall and I wanted nothing more than to snuggle back into bed with my love, but we couldn't afford to, so I begrudgingly got dressed in fresh clothes and met with the group out in the living room. 

Now that we had a game plan, there was less to talk about, but Marcel wanted us to meet with a few of the vampires that would be leading the teams, just to establish good relationships now. 

"If we get Desta and Deccan on our side, the rest will follow." Marcel explained. "They've been around for almost as long as I have and look out for the others when I'm unable."

"When do we meet them?" I ask.

"Right now."

I jump into a standing position and Dante tenses beside me as two vampires enter the room. It was clear they were twins, not just because of their dark complexion, but because of the way they seemed to move in sync. They also had the same hooded eyes, hollow cheeks and dimple in their right cheek. But you could also see the differences. Desta had long braided hair, her eyebrows were thinner, her nose smaller and her lips were larger. She was also smaller than her brother by five inches or so. Deccan, on the other hand, was muscular where Desta was lithe, his dark curls short and framing his face. 

"These are the twins," Marcel introduced each of us and I couldn't help but notice the way their eyes narrowed when he got to Emilia and Dante. 

"I would say it's a pleasure but I'd be lying," stated Deccan, eyeing Dante.

Desta elbowed her brother before forcing a smile that looked more like a grimace. "Marcel said to play nice so we'll pretend it's a pleasure."

"Wow, you guys are rude." Huffed Emilia. "To think I thought we could be friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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