Chapter 10

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The winter solstice had arrived. 

I still couldn't believe how much time had passed since autumn. It felt like no time had passed at all, yet I felt like a completely different person.

For one, I was stronger. It was hard to tell at first glance but when I flexed my muscles, you could certainly see a difference. I had started balancing my lessons and training with Dante so I didn't have to hear anymore about it from father, but training took priority of course. 

Dante stayed at the palace some nights with me while I went to his house on others. It was... Nice. Nicer than I thought it would be. His parents and sister treated me like I was apart of their family and it made my heart swell with emotions I didn't think myself capable of feeling anymore. 

That was another thing that was different about me. I was happy. 

I was happy and I didn't feel guilty about it because I would be feeling guilty all the time if I did. There wasn't a moment that went by where I didn't feel happy, not when Dante was there to kiss away my pain. I allowed myself to enjoy what we had together. 

I was currently in my room, finishing getting dressed for the celebration. I was fashionably late as usual but this time, I had a good reason. 

That reason came out of my bathing chambers a moment later, looking at me with pleading eyes. I laughed, crossing the room to him so I could fix the tie he had made a mess of. Once it was done, I smoothed the wrinkles out in his jacket, brushing his long hair back over his shoulder before admiring him. He was dressed in a suit similar to mine but where mine was blue and gold, his was black and red. 

My pants were a navy blue and I wore a white button up under a matching navy blue blazer with gold trimming. I refused to wear a tie and left a few buttons undone at the top of my shirt, knowing how it would anger my father when my appearance was reported back to him.

But Dante, he looked stunning. Black pants with a dark red dress shirt under a black blazer. His tie, also black, now sat perfectly against his chest, hiding the row of buttons. He smiled at me but he looked uncomfortable. 

"You know, you don't have to where a suit at all. I'll sentence anyone who insults you with treason."

Dante laughs. "That's a bit excessive."

"Anything for you, darling." 

Dante pulls me to him, our lips meeting. No matter how many times he kissed me, it never seemed to get old. Unfortunately, this time I had to pull away first. Gods forbid my father sends someone to get me.

"Ready for your very own birthday celebration hosted by yours truly?" I ask with a wink. 

Dante links his arm with mine and together, we make our way down to the ballroom. 

Dances were already in full swing. Tables overflowing with food lined the walls and servers stood at attention with trays full of sparkling wine. I pluck one as I enter, sipping at the contents instead of downing it like I usually do. I didn't want to get drunk tonight. 

I bring Dante along as I begin the tedious task of greeting all the nobles. As expected, most ignored Dante's presence entirely while others gave him curious stares. No one would be disrespectful, they were all well aware of my reputation and most likely thought that Dante was my latest conquest. Still, they couldn't help but be intrigued by his features. It was truly a sad thing how closed off my country had become that stares lingered on those who looked different. 

It was one of the things I wanted to change when I was king. I wanted my country to be open for all, a safe haven of sorts for those who had nowhere to go. It would upset a lot of people but Belmont was far too small in population. We needed to grow our numbers and what better way than spreading our arms for anyone who needed it. 

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