Chapter 19

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"You're taking this surprisingly well."

It was just past sundown and Dante had brought me back to his home while his parents were out hunting so he could talk to Emilia about everything that had happened. I was scared because if she didn't accept me, I wasn't sure if Dante would leave me but Emilia had better time accepting it than Dante did. 

Emilia leans against a tree, looking between us with kind eyes and a soft smile. "I only want what's best for you, for both of you. Elliot, you made my brother happy again and I'll forever be grateful for that. I also know that life hasn't been easy for you." Her eyes turn sad. "You didn't deserve what happened to you and I'm sure becoming something you hated hasn't been easy on you either."

Dante looks at me then, eyes filled with guilt. "I'm sorry I didn't think about how hard this was for you. I was too consumed by my own feelings to even take into account your own."

"It's fine." I said and I meant it. We both went through a lot together. "I'm just happy we're okay now."

Dante pulls me into his arms. "We're more than okay, El. I haven't said it to you but I need you to know that I love you, I loved you when I met you, I loved the person I got to know and I still love you now."

I feel tears prick my eyes. "Gods, I've never been such a sap before." He laughs and I slap his arm before throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him. He winces when my fang accidentally cuts his lips. I giggle, pulling away. "Sorry. And I love you too."

"Awe," Emilia says, grinning at us. "That was adorable and as much as I enjoy confessions of love, I have a question."

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"When do I get to meet the vamps?"



Dante and I look at each other. 

"Absolutely not," he says.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Why not?"

"I'm not bringing my little sister to a house with vampires in it."

"You brought me to her."

"You're different."


Dante lets out a frustrated sigh. "You know why it's different, Eli."

"No, actually. I don't. Do enlighten me."

"Guys," Emilia cuts in. "Stop acting like I'm not even here. I'm old enough to make my own decisions, Dante, and I want to meet Elliot's new friends and I want to help you guys take down the badies."

"Please, Em. Stop talking like that and you're only seventeen, nowhere near old enough-"

She olds up her hand and he snaps his mouth shut in surprise. "Exactly, Dante. I'm seventeen. Older than you were when you started hunting and I know you and our parents don't want to accept the fact that I can hunt as well as any of you because you're scared I'll get hurt but my brother died too and I'm not going to sit around playing it safe when others are in danger. This is my fight too and it's time you guys stop treating me like a baby who can't fight."

"I know you're a great fighter, Em." Dante says softly before sighing. "Fine. We'll take you back with us but you're going to hate Marcel." 

Emilia claps her hands together. "I can't wait!"


"You never told me Marcel was hot," Emilia whispered to Dante, which I could hear standing on the other side of the room with Lyle so I was sure Marcel could hear it from where he was in the kitchen but he made no reaction to the comment.

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