Chapter 9

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I am not the nervous type. 

I pride myself for being able to keep a level head, confident even when I feel anything but. These are the traits I must possess as a prince and soon to be king. There isn't much that phased me anymore, for I quickly learned not to show my emotions.

Yet my nerves were clearly visible as we walked up to Dante's house. 

Today would be the day I met his family. I packed some things I thought I would need for a single night, unsure since I've never done anything of the sort, but settled on some clothes and hygienic products. At first, it excited me, for I would get to learn more about Dante and the people he cared about most. But now that we were standing in front of his house, I felt my feet freeze before the door, an awful feeling spreading through my gut and making my throat feel tight.

Dante sets a comforting hand on the small of my back, offering me a gentle smile. "It's okay. I told them about you and they're eager to meet you in person."

"You told them about me?" I somehow manage to find my voice, even though it was as quiet as a whisper.

He nods, rubbing my back comfortingly. "My sister's very excited to meet you properly."

I nod, my voice disappearing once again. Dante opens the door, gently leading me inside. The first thing I noticed was the smell, rich spices I wasn't accustomed with, nothing like I've smelt in the palace kitchens. I also noticed how bright everything was. The front area was open with a closet opened to reveal a pile of jackets and boots. Stepping further into the house, we pass a wide open room with a large window overlooking the town below, a long sectional couch in front, overlooking a fireplace with shelves filled with many books on either side. A large blue rug sat between the couch and fireplace, a small table pushed against the wall to make room for the girl that laid in the middle of the rug, covered in pillows and blankets and a book propped open in front of her while her face rested in her hand.

"Emilia," said Dante, making her look up with a glare before her gaze settled on me. She shut the book instantly, rushing over to us with a wide grin. 

"Elliot! Is it okay that I call you that? Is it true you're really a prince? And if you're a prince, why are you with mi hermano idiota?" 

"I- What?"

"Emilia," Dante groans. "Can you be normal for a few minutes and let me introduce you properly?" 

"Why? I already know who he is." She says frowning before looking to me with a smile. "Hi, I'm Emilia. Dante's favourite sister. And now you know who I am."

"You're my only sister," Dante says, rolling his eyes but there was a smile on his lips. 

"What's all the commotion about out here- Oh!" A woman steps into the doorway, a cloth in her hands. She looked like an older version of Emilia with long wavy dark hair and warm brown eyes. But where Emilia's cheeks were rounder, this woman had Dante's high cheek bones and pointed nose. She looks between Dante and me before her eyes widen and she starts to bow but I quickly stop her.

"Please, don't. I- I would prefer if I were just Elliot here, not the prince." I say, a blush spreading across my cheeks as the woman gives me a small smile.

"Well, just Elliot, I'm Dante's madre but you can call me Martina."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," I say formally and she laughs. 

"I'm just finishing up dinner." She says, turning to Dante. "Why don't you show him to your room and let him get settled. I'll call you boys down when it's ready."

Dante nods, pulling me along. I hear Martina telling Emilia to help her, which results in a chorus of complaints that make me chuckle. 

I follow Dante up a set of stairs, down a hall with four rooms, two on either side. "We don't have guest bedrooms so you'll be staying in my room with me, is that alright?"

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