Chapter 15

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I open my eyes but when everything's dark, I blink. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust but when they do, it's like a switch has been flipped and the room I'm in floods with light. Except, it isn't really light. The room is still dark but I can see everything around me in perfect detail, from the dresser shoved against the opposite wall and the rug on the floor beside my bed that was a deep blood red and the nightstand that held nothing, no candles or matches or anything.

I frowned, biting down on my bottom lip, only to wince in pain. A feel liquid trail down my chin and swipe it with my thumb. Blood. Did I do that?

I swipe my tongue across my teeth, only to freeze when I felt the tip of my canines. Pointed like- like- like- Fangs.

I bolt from the bed with a speed I don't recognize. I crash into the dresser but I barely feel it, even as it topples over from the impact. There's no way-

The door to the room is thrown open and I suck in a sharp breath, one I don't realize I don't need, when I see my dead best friend standing there looking as alive as he was the last time I saw him. 

I'm across the room in a blink, arms thrown around his neck and I'm sobbing. "You're alive," I repeat like a broken record, soaking in his smell, his warm- But no. He wasn't warm. He was cold, as cold as a corpse.

I pull away and that's when I notice he doesn't look the same at all. His skin is impossibly paler, his black hair longer, his features sharper and his eyes- Oh, Gods, his eyes. They were as red as blood.

I back away from him, even as he reaches for me. "Elliot-"

When he talks, I see his fangs and I scream before I can stop myself. 

"Elliot, please," he steps towards me looking panicked. "You must be quiet. Let me explain-"

"You're a vampire," I choke down another scream. "Oh Gods, you're- I-" My brain felt like it was malfunctioning. I couldn't finish a sentence. I was torn between wanting to hug my best friend again or running away from the monster wearing his skin. 

"Elliot, let me explain." When he takes another step towards me, I snap out of it and back away.

"Stay away from me! You're not him, you're not-"

"I am," he says quickly. "I'm still your friend, Eli. I'm still Lyle."

I shake my head. "No, Lyle's dead. You're dead. You left me, for months, I grieved you."

"I know, and I'm so sorry but I couldn't- I couldn't tell you the truth. Not until now."

"Why?" I'm crying. "Why are you here now? Why do you- Why do you look like-" I can't say it again.

"Eli, I need you to calm down and I'll explain everything, I promise. Just know that everything you thought you knew about vampires is a lie."

"A lie? They're killing people, they killed my mother, they killed you-"

He shook his head quickly. "It's more complicated than that and I'll explain everything to you but I need to be sure you won't run away."

I bite my lip, forgetting what happened last time and jump in surprise when my fangs breaks the skin. As soon as the thought crosses my mind, Lyle must see my panicked face because he rushes forward and grabs my shoulders. "Don't freak out."

I blink at the spot he was standing in a moment ago. He was all the way across the room and now he was standing right in front of me. I push him but he's stronger than he looks and he doesn't even budge so I start struggling against him, trying to get away, but his grip tightens enough to bruise and I wince. Guilt flashes in his demon eyes. "I'm sorry. Please, calm down. If you're not calm by the time he gets back-"

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