Chapter 8

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"Eli, please."

Dante was leaning against the doorframe to my room, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at me with disbelief. I repeat myself once again. "No."

He pushes himself off the frame, crossing the room to me. I focus on the paper in front of me, dipping my pen in the ink before continuing with the useless apology my father was forcing me to write to my scholars for skipping their classes. 

Suddenly, the paper is ripped away from me, ink smearing across the page, making me groan in frustration. I would have to start all over. 

"This isn't a joke. You need to take this seriously."

"I am taking it seriously. But you can't expect me to leave the palace to come live with you." 

Dante had been trying to convince me to come home with him, since it's not really safe in the palace, for the entire week since he stopped me from drinking the poisoned glass of wine. For that week, he refused to leave me alone but he also refused to sleep in the same bed as me, which was beyond frustrating. Despite the kisses we share and the mutual liking of one another, he refuses to fuck me. It was just plain unfair. 

"Why can't you just stay here? Won't that be better for you considering this is where most of the vampire attacks have been occurring?"

He shook his head. "That's not the case anymore. Attacks in the village have been becoming worse."

I sit up at this, shock radiating through my system. "Since when?"

"For a few weeks now."

I felt sick at this revelation. People were suffering and I had no idea. I was too concerned with myself. I drop my face in my hands but before I can delve too deep into my thoughts, Dante was there beside me pulling me against him while he rubbed my back. "Don't blame yourself. You can't help anyone if you're dead, so leave the vampires to me and try to figure out whose trying to kill you."

"I don't even know where to begin," I fall back onto my bed, pulling him with me. He ends up on top of me, pinning me to the mattress. I pull him closer so our lips touch and he lets me, deepening the kiss with his tongue. I moan, sinking my fingers into his hair while I thrust my hips up to meet his. 

He groans at the contact and I could feel his erection pressing up against me. Smirking, I reach down to palm him through his pants, savouring the harsh breath that left him and the way his hips bucked into my touch. 

But then he's pulling away. 

"Why?" I ask, trying to catch my breath. "Why do you not want to go further with me?"

"It's not that I don't want to," he says as he fixes his clothes and smoothes the hair back from his face. "I just want to wait."

I huff. "This is torture. Torture."

Dante laughs, leaning down to press his lips against mine in a quick gentle kiss that made my cock twitch. The longer I waited, the more sensitive I seemed to be to simple touches. "You'll be fine, mi amor. When the time is right, I want to show you how it feels to be cherished. Only after that, will I fuck you."

I shiver, his words not helping my erection in the slightest. I've never done the act with someone I cared about before and I doubted it would be different but if he thought so, I would give him the benefit of the doubt and wait. Even if waiting was torture. 


"Dante," I say cautiously as he led me through the forest and approached a small lake that had frozen over. With him, he carried two pairs of white boots with little blades on the bottom. When he told me what they were for, I balked at the idea. "I'm not going out there."

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