Chapter 4

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It was worse. So much worse.

When I woke up that morning, my body hurt like it had never hurt before. The bruises on my arms seemed to have gotten bigger and darker overnight and I could barely turn my head without pain jolting down my back.

Not only did that already put me in a foul mood, but when Dante said he would be there in the early morning, he meant early. I was used to Lyle waking me up at ungodly hours but Dante was at the gates requesting me at dawn. Dawn! 

"I don't know how much time you think we need to train but I'm sure it could have waited until a little later," I grumbled as we rode out to the same spot as yesterday. 

The forest was far quieter than it normally was, with the birds still waking up. It was also dark, only small slivers of light peaking in through the branches of the trees, making me feel uneasy. I was used to the bright sunlight bringing out the autumn colours, not this dreary early morning fog that gave the forest an ominous feeling.  

Dante didn't seem tired in the least, his dark curls combed back from his face, dark eyes alert and ready.

"With you, we'll need every hour we can get." He finally said, breaking me out of my observations. 

I wanted to turn my horse around. Where was the reserved boy I met a few nights ago? It seemed as he grew more comfortable, he became more sarcastic and plain rude in my opinion. Of course, I was used to an attitude considering the only person that talked to me had been Lyle but that didn't mean I had to take it from a near stranger.

"Do you not have anything to do with your time? It seems like you must not have much of a life if you can afford to spend an entire day training me." It was both to insult him and to see if he would reveal any personal information. I found that when I asked too many questions, Dante would become closed off. So I had to hint at it more and see what he was willing to share. 

"Perhaps I'm simply using this as an excuse to spend time with you."

Those were not the words I had been expecting and I could feel my face heat up as a result. Did Dante really enjoy my company? I didn't think he did considering how much he complained. 

"You're confusing." I blurted. 

Dante turned to me with a frown. "How so?"

"Well, one minute you're telling me how annoying I am and the next you're telling me you like spending time with me. It's confusing." I try to maintain a dignified air but in truth, I was frustrated. Not only could I not determine his feelings for me, but I also couldn't even determine mine and he wasn't making the process easier.

Dante laughed. "You are  annoying but in a good way."

"How is there a good way to be annoying?" I replay, incredulous, but when I turn to look at him, he was giving me a teasing look that made my heart flutter. I quickly turn forward and drop any forms of conversation, riding the rest of the way in silence. 


"I can't," I collapsed on the ground, the leaves crunching under my weight. "That's all my body can take."

"You've only been at this for a couple hours," protested Dante. While I was coated in a layer of sweat, Dante still looked energized, with not a hair out of place. I didn't understand it.

"I can't even feel my arms."

"If you can't feel them then why are you complaining? Get up and let's go again."

Hesitantly, I pull myself up and mirror the position Dante was in. Hands digging into the earth, I held the plank position before attempting to lower myself only for my shaking arms to give out, causing me to face plant into the dirt. 

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