Chapter 12

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I slip out of Dante's hold, immediately missing his warm embrace. He doesn't even stir as I get dressed, his long lashes casting shadows on his cheeks, emphasizing the dark circles forming under his eyes. 

My fault.

A week has passed since the incident and he's refused to leave my side, staying awake all night, every night, to make sure I'm safe. I think he blames himself for leaving me and I hate that he won't even go see his family because he's so afraid to lose me. I want to go back with him, and I think he wants that to, but if I stay with his family, I would only be putting them in danger. 

I'm not sure if my former professor is working alone or if he's taking orders. I don't know anything. And I'm not going to risk putting Dante's family in danger by leading whoever it is that wants me dead right to them.

It's better if I stay here, at the palace, anyway. It gives me a better chance to look for clues. 

I slip from the room, knowing that if Dante wakes before I'm back, he'll panic. But I was awoken earlier with a message from my father and he requested my presence. Alone.

I can only hope that whatever he has to say, it'll be fast. 

My hearts pounding by the time I reach the throne room but I keep my features schooled into a mask of indifference. I open the doors and glide inside as my eyes land on my father, lounging on the throne that would one day be mine.

"Elliot," he greets, his voice void of any emotion that might give away why he summoned me. "Word has reached me of what happened."

I stop at the foot of the dais, unable to resist the frown that pulled at my features. "That happened almost a week ago. I'm sure you've heard about it before now."

He nods. "I have."

My frown deepens. He looks the epitome of a lazy ruler, slouched over in his seat and his bearded chin resting in his hand, elbow on the arm of his chair as his cool eyes rake over me. I know my father and I know this picture of laziness he was presenting was to throw me off, put me in a false sense of ease. He was a manipulator, through and through. It's why nobody questioned it when he convinced everyone it was my fault for my mothers death, why even I believe it, even now.

"So," I begin unsure. I hated being unsure and my father knew that, judging by the smirk that tugged at his lips. "Why am I here now?"

He sits up. "You're here because I'm out one of the best scholars in Belmont because of you."

It's not often I'm shocked, especially when it comes to the man in front of me. I always expect the worst. But now, I can't help the sarcastic laugh that bubbles up my throat, echoing in the quiet space. "I almost died and you're worried about the scholar? You should have an arrest warrant out for the guy!"

The lack of a reaction from him worries me more than if he had struck out in anger. 

After the silence following my outburst becomes almost unbearable, my father finally says, "I think I have been far more patient with you than I should have been. I've allowed you to do as you please, even after you ignored my warning about your classes, I allowed it because I simply didn't care. But it's gone far enough. Throwing away your education is one thing, chasing away your scholars and damaging my property because-"

"You can't seriously believe I attacked myself?!" I surprise myself by the anger I feel. I should be used to this. This shouldn't surprise me. And another thing he says caught me in a vice like grip, making it hard to swallow. "And it's not your property. It's mothers."

My father stands and I feel the air leave my lungs as fear takes away any anger I felt. I shouldn't have said anything. I shouldn't have mentioned mother.

But then my father surprises me yet again. 

He smiles.

And my fear increases.

"You're going to go back to your room," he says calmly as he retakes his seat. "You're going to break off whatever little romance you have with that boy." My heart drops at the mention of Dante. "And you're going to go nowhere but your classes and your bedroom until your nineteenth birthday this summer. Is that understood?"

My throat feels like sandpaper as I swallow. "And if I refuse?"

"Don't test me, Elliot. Your life isn't the only one that will be threatened if your lover remains in the palace."

I feel sick, there's not enough air for my lungs to take in. I refuse to break down in front of this cruel man I call a father so I bolt from the room. He not only threatened Dante's life but didn't he just admit to threatening mine? Was my own father trying to kill me? And if he was, why? And why would he admit it?

Is it because he knows he wouldn't get caught? I don't understand. I don't know what his aim is. I just know that I can't let Dante get caught in the crossfire. But the thought of losing him... I can't. He's all I have left. I love him.

"Elliot?" Dante's worried face appears above mine and I realize I've collapsed outside the door to my rooms. "Eli, what's wrong? Look at me. Breathe." 

His hands are on my face, forcing me to meet his eyes. But this time, it isn't comforting. It makes the pain so much worse. 

I know what I have to do to save him. 

I push him away from me, blinking back my tears and clearing the lump in my throat. I force my face into a blank canvas to wield whatever emotions would be necessary to drive Dante away. 

"Elliot, what happened?" He tries, always so worried about me, even after I push him away and see the hurt that reflects in his eyes.

I take a deep breath, hoping my voice doesn't break. "You need to leave." 

Confusion turns into anger. "I'm not-"

"Yes, you are!" I snap. 

"Elliot, I don't understand-"

I laugh. The sound sharp, cutting through each of us like a knife. "You knew all along how this would end. You knew that one day I would be king and this, whatever it is between us, would have to end."

"You said that was years away," he argues. "You can't expect me to believe you just changed your mind and you don't want to try anymore. So tell me what really happened."

"I came to the realization that there's no future for us." I reply, my tone bitter. I look up to meet his eyes and my heart gives an anxious tug when I realize that this wouldn't be enough. The look in his eyes- No. He wouldn't give me up. Not now. Not unless... I turn away so I won't have to see his face. "Besides, I got from you what I wanted. You made yourself a challenge and while I admit, the chase was fun, it's boring now."

"W- What are you saying?" I can hear the tears in his voice and it triggers my own. 

"I'm saying I'm bored of you, Dante."


And then the pounding of footsteps and I turn to see him running away, his figure blurring when tears fill my eyes, spilling down my cheeks. It took so long for him to open up to me and I just threw it all away. He wouldn't come back after this. 

I just let the last thing I ever cared about go. 


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