Chapter 18

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It took awhile to find the secret passageways leading to Marcel and Lyle. I could only go off what little memory I had and my keen sense of hearing. I followed the sound of movement through the passageways with Dante in tow, until we finally found them. Marcel was standing in front of the fridge while Lyle sat back on one of the couches.

They turned when I entered with Dante. 

"We heard you coming-" Lyle's smile vanished when he saw who I had with me. "Eli, why is there a hunter in our home?"

"He's not going to hurt you. He wants to help take out the rogue's."

"Then why is his hand on his weapon," says Marcel from the kitchen, and sure enough, Dante's hand is holding the handle of his stake. In the next second, Marcel appeared behind Dante, knocking the weapon out of his hand. It clattered to the floor as he took Dante's wrists and held them behind his back. 

"Let me go," Dante struggled, turning betrayed eyes to me. He thinks I set him up

"Let him go, Marcel! He was just being cautious. You would be too if you were going into a hunter's home."

"I wouldn't be foolish enough to go into enemy territory," he drawls. 

I look to Lyle for help. He looks torn between us before pinching his nose. "Let go of the hunter. If he didn't hurt Elliot, I don't think he's going to hurt us."

"I'd rather not take my chances." The second I saw his fangs, I was moving. I crashed into him, tearing him away from Dante. Before I could even think of doing anything else, Marcel slammed me up against the wall and I let out a yelp as pain ricocheted through my head.

Both Dante and Lyle were grabbing Marcel and shoving him off of me. Head spinning, I start sliding to the floor but Dante catches me, lowering us both down while Lyle screams at Marcel. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Are you alright?" Dante touches my head, his hand coming away bloody. I wince but nod. 

"Relax," says Marcel, pushing Lyle off of him. "Your lover is fine. His head's already healed."

"Doesn't mean it didn't hurt," I mumble. 

"And I wasn't going to hurt the hunter, I merely wanted to show him his place."

"We have serious issues here and Eli's hunter wants to help," Lyle cut in sternly. "This isn't the time for power play's."

Marcel rolled his eyes before shooting a glare at Dante. "If I think for a moment you're a danger to one of us, I will kill you."

Dante tensed but I grab his hand, making him look at me. "I get that this is going to be hard, for everybody. But we have a common enemy and Marcel, you said we need all the help we can get."

"Exactly," Lyle agreed. "So why don't we-"

A sharp pain in my gums makes me wince and I bring my hand up to my mouth. 

"What's wrong?" Dante asks me

"He hasn't fed yet," Marcel answered. "Ideally, you should have when you first changed. The pain in your gums is only the start of what will happen if you don't feed soon."

"Trust me," Lyle supplies. "You don't want to wait and find out."

"But it's the middle of the day," I groan, my fangs throbbing. Everyone turns to look at Dante and I scramble away from him. "No."

"If you wait too long, the smell of his blood will drive you to feed." Said Marcel. "If you don't do it now while you're aware, you could risk losing control and hurting him."

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