Don't worry only title is in Hindi, English translation is provided along with the Hindi one 🌸
Yes,like all the admirers of RamPriya /NakuulDisha and the very idea of Bade Achhe lagte Hain 2,I am also fed up with the "Aatmghaati (self-destructive )...
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ये बांसुरिया बैरन (शत्रु) मोरी, आंठों पहर अधरन (होंठों) पे तोरी, चंद्रचकोरी ब्रज की गोरी(राधिका जी), मनमोहन से हंस के बोली, चल नटखट नहींं दूंगी मुरलिया, बड़ों सतावे मोहें तू छलिया, राधे बोल,मन राधे बोल,राधे,राधे,राधे बोल🪷
Yen Baansuriya bairan/shatru Mori,aanthon pahar adhran pe tori, Chandrachakori Brij ki Gori(Radhika), Manmohan se Hans ke boli, Chal natkhat nahin dungi muraliya,bado satave mohen tu chhaliya, Radhe bol,man Radhe bol,Radhe ,Radhe,Radhe bol🪷
(*This Bansuri/flute of yours,o Kanha,is just like an enemy to me/your Radhe as you trouble me alot by playing the enchanting melody and it is your Bansuri and not your Radhe,who touches your lotus lips all the time,so I envy your Bansuri.So ,the beautiful moon of Brij(the Queen of Brij, Radhika Rani),Radha playfully snatches the Bansuri from Mohan/Krishn as he teased her more by playing Bansuri and keeping it closer to him ,and not his Radhika....the love and devotion Radha ji has for her Kanha,made Kanha say Radhe,Radhe all the hail the Goddess of love,Radhe , Radhe 🪷)
भाग - ४१ (Chapter -41 🌸Door Se Kanhaiya Ne Mujhko Pukara,Murali Ki Dhun Mein Kiya Hai Ishaara🌸My beloved Kanhaiya has called out for me from a distant place but it is the melody of his flute,which is requesting me/Radhika to oblige him with my presence 🌸)
प्रिया.... प्रिया उठिए..
एक धीमी सी आवाज़, जैसे कोई हमारे बहुत निकट आकर मिठास लिए फुसफुसा रहा हो, जिसके साथ ही एक धुंधली सी छवि नींद से बोझिल पलकों को बार बार झपकने को विवश कर रही थी....और वो छवि, आवाज़ दोनों ही स्पष्ट हों चलीं थीं एक झटके में....
Priya...Priya,wake up..
A soft whisper,as if someone just hummed a sweet melody close to my ears,and with that thought a vaguely visibly figure made me continuosly flutter my heavy a single second,the voice and the image both were clear to me..
प्रिया (झिझकते हुए )-उम्मम्म...माफ कीजिए,आप... आपकों परेशानी हुई हमारे कारण,आप उठा देते हमें....(बोहों को तानते हुए)....क्या,क्या हुआ?
Priya (awkwardly)-Ummm... Kindly forgive me, were troubled by me,you should have waken me up instead...(furrowing her brows)...What,What happened?