An Urgent LetterHappy Children's day,the child within you, needs love and comfort too...the world has hurt it ,the world didn't give the love but you ,my friend,you are responsible for loving yourself,you think about the world all the time then who will think about yourself?Take some time out for yourself,oil your hair without any mobile,music etc,just feel that time, apply lotion and be there with your body,if not you then who will heal it?......Ask your body,how it is feeling,the way you ask others-How are they doing?
Inner child issues need help,and no one can help you better but your own self. People often say , don't show your emotions or don't get affected by others words...but we are humans,if the Goddess allows herself to feel happy,shy, uncertain sometimes,angry,ruthless yet compassionate ,let's think about Mother Nature,she feels all the emotions then and there and then move on..cry if you feel like,ask questions when in doubt right there because if you ignore that emotion,then they will pile up and create a baggage and to move forward, friends,we need to make a space in our bag, feeling the emotions and thus releasing it...if you are hurt ,feel it so that it is out of your system because you are meant to feel that emotion due to a certain reasons,in Sanatan Dharma,we are told that '' I am the universe (Aham Brhamaasmi)'' , meaning that you are a part of the cosmos,and the part represents the whole, something even The Science resonates with. Whatever you feel, something similar is felt in the universe and the energy is released,you are just being one with the energy and also releasing it .Have you ever noticed why we feel low even in the happiest of times? It is either because you didn't address the emotional turmoil and hid it under the garb of pretence or ignorance,and the child within you , doesn't know the way out.Have you ever noticed a child,even the wedding is going on or some celebration is taking place, child doesn't always pretend to be happy,she would cry, throw tantrums,feel grumpy...but as we grow up, parents, society teach us that it's a happy occasion, don't cry,shut up and so on...but the child cannot match up to the pace ,the world around her changed suddenly she couldn't cry when feel like crying etc. Now just imagine yourself as a child,close your eyes and see what you are feeling? The world will complicate things, it's a given...I don't think like that.In my opinion,the Goddess /Mother Nature could have made us as adults directly but She wanted us to know why we are here and what we should feel on this planet...Have you heard about Devi Draupadi (the daughter of King Drupad,one among the Panchkanya/five magnificent girls, Mahabharat)...let me tell you in brief...King Drupad recieved a Kanya/girl as a boon for his penance/Yagna.. Draupadi (daughter of Drupad),was born from the holy fire of Yagna,hence called AgniKanya (the daughter of Fire,pure , fierce like fire)...She was a fully grown up girl when she came out of the fire,so much so just after her arrival/birth/incarnation,her swayamwar/hunt for the groom was announced,so you can imagine her ,like she was old enough to get married....she used to look at the world with her big eyes as if in a daze because she never knew what was it to feel like a child,she was mesmerised by the giggling of very young girls,the way they were talking animatedly,their eyes rolling,their games....she was intrigued and asked questions but the young girls chuckled at her lack of knowledge or , imagine a goddess like Draupadi,felt this ' lack' of knowing about the human emotions,can you imagine the importance of our emotions? She was feeling alone,not one with the universe until and unless she saw Arjun,she felt what it is to like someone and the course of life took place and she could experience anger, frustration,compassion, forgiveness,cursing...all of it.... Imagine,if Goddess didn't afraid to feel the emotions and learn about it,then why are you? If we don't know how does it feel to get hurt,then we wouldn't understand the importance of kindness...these experiences humble you....
Do you think she has sent us to stifle our hiccups..?...No,I don't think so.The law of nature is Simple, don't complicate it for yourself and others.Guys, I think feeling emotions makes you a true being,one with the whole but sitting in that situation is not right.Just like a child,cries for her heart's content when her favourite toy is snatched or broken but as soon as she finds something intriguing,she moves her full attention towards focused like a child to experience it fully,when people say Ab tum bade ho Gaye ho/Now you are a grown up... don't think or take it like that now you have to lose the innocence,the happiness,the real /raw, untouched and unadulterated form of Maa Prakriti..Not At All,but take it that now the child within me has garnered some experience, wisdom for herself..just like now she knows that plastic is not good for us,so she won't pick up plastic simple as that...Now think about the moment,when we see a child roaming around in a hall full of people, everyone talking to the child, trying to stop her but she isn't ready,she will stop if she wants and stay there only for whatever time,she wants to be there and then she will make a move..and no matter,how much you are trying to stop her,SHE WON'T....after taking a stroll,at last no amount of distractions,like chocolate,sweets, dazzling clothes can make her happy..SHE IS GRUMPY WHEN YOU DON'T LET HER GO TO HER MOTHER,she wants the mother, Period.So, what did you understand? Let me make it EASIER for you, because the world wants you to be in daze, disturbance as it has sold the idea of HEROISM so much,that we tend to think that until and unless I am in a war zone, I am not doing anything.....Just like the child,you can be distracted by the world and just like the child ,feel free to explore and experience but even a child knows when to make a move ...then,why do you ask the world to help you out of the problem,while you already know the Way Out,trust me you do.. it's Just that you don't want to look inside, don't want to go to the Mother,just like the child wants to go at any cost.You are distracted by the world and not able to find your Mother in the crowd...or worst,you are not even aware about your Mother. Common yaar,even the child knows this much that she wants her mother,and no amount of distractions can stop her, because she is guided by self awareness.She can feel the breathlessness also the sigh of relief,when she couldn't find her origin,the mother and at last when she finds her mother...simple...
These are some random thoughts that the child within me wanted to tell you.If you can understand it,or happened to read them,I strongly believe that the universe wants to connect with you all.And telling all of us,to be calm and let it handle the stress,and give you the experience as a fruit for your kindness,your companionship....We always ask Maa Prakriti to bless us,but the fact that we are able to ASK for it,shows that WE ARE BLESSED, that's why we are alive, asking for ''Mere Saath Rahna/Be with me Mother'',but what about you..? Maa Prakriti is with you but are you with her? She makes you feel her presence everywhere, in everything....but when will you sit with her,and say I Am Connecting With You ,Maa...Tell Me How Are You? I came to know about the poor AQI(Air quality Index),but I have stopped using harmful chemicals, firecrackers etc. I am Helping you to heal ,just the way you help me... Don't worry Maa, everything will be fine.
Yours Truly,
Maa Prakriti
Mother Nature 🪷

छाप तिलक सब छीनी रे....
FanfictionDon't worry only title is in Hindi, English translation is provided along with the Hindi one 🌸 Yes,like all the admirers of RamPriya /NakuulDisha and the very idea of Bade Achhe lagte Hain 2,I am also fed up with the "Aatmghaati (self-destructive )...