Chapter Seven

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     When Kiera woke up in her bed she was a bit confused seeing as she fell asleep in the living room. Shit she fell asleep in the living room, and she didn't bring the air mattress for them. She didn't prepare herself much before shooting out of bed to see if she could find her phone, check the time so when she stood up, her vision dotted black and she got super light headed, for a second she thought she'd passed out but then she slowly regained herself. When she was able to stand without feeling as if she'd fall over she thought about what the last thing she had to eat was. It was fries at the bar, so she should probably get some food to eat, but before anything she did she was going to see how the boys sleeping arrangement turned out. So she stepped out of her room, and made her way toward the living room, tiptoeing to make sure she was quiet and didn't wake them up. It was still pretty dark outside and she didn't think of putting anything up to block the light from the living for them. They were both sleeping on the couch, Scrim had pulled the chair to the edge of the couches foot rest and that's where his head was laying, his arms crossed under his head, and Ruby was laying on his side, his back showing to her as he faced the couch. She decided that hanging something Infront of the door was her goal so they didn't wake up to the sun in their eyes, the first thing that she thought of using was a big sheet so that's what she got, using a stool to make herself tall enough from the door. It didn't take much work but she wanted to be nice, because they'd been to nice to her. When she finished hanging the sheet up she put her stool back by her kitchen table. She thought that it was cute how Scrim was laying on the couch but at the same time she felt bad for not pulling out the air mattress like she'd said.

     She walked around the house quietly as she looked for her phone, the last that she checked it was still in her purse so she walked into her room and checked the red bag on her dresser, it was in there so she began scrolling through the notifications. People asking if she was alright and there were also texts from James, it was an anonymous number but she just deleted them, letting out a quiet sigh. She didn't know what to do but she didn't really wanna leave her house, it was five a.m. Why did she wake up so early? Kiera sat in her room on her phone for about ten minutes before getting up and walking into the kitchen, she got a glass of water and she stood in the kitchen for a while before walking to head to her room, the chair had slid away from Scrim slightly and it made her feel even worse for not staying awake so she walks over to him and crouches beside him. She would go take a shower and he could lay down in her bed so he was comfy, she thought as she gently shook him.

"Hey" She says softly

     "Hmmm?" He groggily hums in return

"Do you wanna go lay in my bed so your more comfortable?"

     Scrim lays there for a moment, not moving but then he slowly open his eyes whilst furrowing his eyebrow. He looked over to her, god his eyes looked so pretty.

"Come lay down in my bed so your more comfy" she repeats and moves her hand from his shoulder to his cheek, gently dragging her thumb against his cheek

     He smiled lightly and lets out a hum before responding her her a few seconds later.

     "Where are you going to lay?" He asks, his voice was deep and raspy

"I'm going to shower, don't worry about me just come on. I don't wanna wake up Ruby "

     "Okay, okay lets go" He mutters, his voice not changing from his deep morning voice

     He slowly sat up and collected the blanket he has been using. He was still tired she could tell, so she grabs his hand and guides him to her room and he follows behind her closing, he probably wasn't even realizing what was happening but it's okay. When they got in her room she walked him over to the bed and moved all the extra blankets out of the way so he had space on the bed, then he laid in her bed and got comfortable, her blanket being held close to him. Bear and Scotty were also in her bed and she had a feeling that they would cuddle up to him. When she got him situated she left and made her way to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her quietly. She wanted to make sure she was quiet so that she didn't wake up either of them so she turned the water on and took a shower, staying as quiet as possible throughout the entire thing. She washed her hair first and put it up afterward to get it out of the way then she washed her face and body, the water was warm as it ran down her skin which was nice, she loved being warm so when she was done in her shower she was reluctant to get out but she still did, drying herself off and doing her best to dry her hair. Once out of the shower she put lotion all over herself and wrapped herself up in the towel she had got from under the sink before stepping our of the bathroom, she had to get clothes from her room and as she did she remained quiet. She grabbed a pair of bleach dyed jeans and a white bralette with underwear to match, it was cold so she headed to the bathroom with the three things in hand, closing the door behind her, then she dropped her towel and slipped into the bralette then into the under wear. The jeans were light blue and white and they were baggy, she really liked them she found them at a thrift store, and when she buttoned them they fit snuggly around her hips. Though the green flannel was dirty she slipped it on, she was going to go sit outside and smoke, when she opened the bathroom door she thought she heard movement so she paused but it was quiet after that so she went into her room, digging through her purse for a lighter and a cigarette. She stood in her room as she lit it, taking a drag from it. Either he'd been awake the whole time or he woke up to he sound of the lighter flicking, but she didn't realize so when he spoke she jumped.

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