Chapter Eleven

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-Kiera's Pov-

     The next morning Kiera woke up wrapped up in Scott's arms, he had his lips resting against her forehead and she could feel his facial hair on her face. She wanted to get up but at the same time she was so comfy laid next to him, and she was pretty sure he was still asleep. So she laid there for a while trying to go back to bed, but she couldn't she wasn't even sure what time it was, so instead she slowly, and carefully sat up. Scott took a deep breath and cracked his eyes open, looking at her as she sat up and went to get off the bed, his hand makes it's way to her waist.

     "Where you going Mamas" He mutters, his voice deep and cracky from just waking up

"I was just going to the bathroom" She says, placing her hand ontop of his, a small smile curving onto on her face

     "Mmm it's too early for you to get up, come back" He replies, his voice the same muttering tone as he gently tries to pulls her back down

"Oh yeah what time is it huh?" She asks, knowing he'd hardly opened his eyes enough to tell.

     "Too early" He says and huffs, accepting defeat and his hand gently slid up and down her side

"You can stay in bed it's okay, I won't be long" Kiera says softly

     "Mhm okay, don't take to long" he mutters and smiles slightly

"Don't worry" She says and looks back to him, then she leans over him and kisses his cheek, his once sleepy rested face now has an adorable smile on it

     "Your just making me wanna keep you in bed with me Mamas" He says and smirks, now looking at her

"Oh whatever, go bad to sleep" She smiles and gets off of her bed, making her way to the bathroom.

     When she gets to the bathroom she closes and locks the door behind her, then goes about doing her business. When she was done she washed her hands as well as dries them before quietly unlocking the door and opening it, before she went back to her room she peeked her head in and Scott was fast asleep again. She wasn't really tired so she carefully snuck away from the door and walked to the kitchen, starting herself a cup of coffee, as the brewed she decided to make some breakfast. She just made toast with avocado on it, by that time her coffee was finished so she added a little creamer and grabbed her plate before sitting down at the table and starting to eat. She noticed that there was curtains up on the living room window which confused her so she got up and walked into the Livingroom, opining the curtains before walking back to the table and continuing to eat her breakfast. The apartment was cold, she had shorts and a tshirt on, just one she found in the dryer, it was Scott's apparently. As she sat and ate her food Bear came and jumped up on the chair beside him, her free hand went to him and she began petting him, he started purring which made her smile a bit.

     When Kiera finished her food she set her plate in the sink and took her coffee to the living room, setting it on the center table, then she made her way to her room being as quiet as she could as she entered the room. Scott was in her bed her black minky over him, one of his arms under his head, he looked so peaceful. She was so worried she would wake him up, she hardly moved around in her room, the first thing she got was her nicotine which was set on the nightstand along side her phone which she also grabbed, then she tip toed to her dresser to grab herself a claw clip for her hair and her reading glasses. A slight movement behind her made her jump, she turns her head to see what it was, Scott just rolled over on the bed nothing to extreme, but right after that she quietly rushes out of her room. After she left her room she made her way out to the living room, setting all the items she grabbed on the center table before wrapping her hair up and clipping it in place with her claw clip. When she ended up sitting down she put her glasses on and started scrolling on her phone, as she did she got a text from Jazzy.

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