Chapter Ten

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     When Scott first woke up head laid in the incredibly comfortable position he was in for a while before he decided to get up, only because he had to piss and for the few minutes he was laying in bed he realized that Kiera wasn't in bed with him. Well in her bed with him. Scott made his way to the door of her room which was open already so he just stepped out and walked to the bathroom door. There he stood outside the door for about a second before the door open and his eyes met hers, her beautiful eyes, and body. She had a tight black long sleeve that stopped a bit before her belly button, her pants were green camouflage which fit perfectly with the shirt. Her makeup was done and god did she looking fucking gorgeous. Waking up to such an immaculate sight made him question what he did to deserve this moment. Somehow waking up in Kiera's bed has made him a surprisingly cheerful person in the morning.

"Hey Mamas" he says

     "Good morning sunshine"

"Mm what are you up so early for?"

     "Oh I kinda just woke up I didn't realize it was that early, sorry I woke you"

"Nah you didn't no worries, I just have to piss"

     "Oh so-" She begins, if he heard the words sorry roll off those pretty lips one more time he was afraid he'd lose his mind

"Shh, stop apologizing to me" He says, leaning against the frame of the bathroom door

     "Okay, I'll get out of here so you can go to the bathroom. I'll be in my room- Our room? Not sure. My room if you need me"

"Yes Ma'am" He replies, trying to hold back the smirk that grew on his face, his hand moving to rub his eye

     Kiera steps out of the bathroom and walks to her room, Scott's eyes follow her as she walks into her room, mesmerized by the way she looked, just standing in the doorway of the bathroom. When she was out of his sight he stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, then he went about doing his business, washing his hands afterward. The bathroom smelt good, it was a sort of sweet and spicy mixture which Scott loved. Once he finished with washing his hands he looked at himself in the mirror his face was really puffy especially under his eyes so he leans down and splashes his face with cold water a few times. He turned the light off as he stepped into the bathroom, as he entered Kiera's room he expected her to be laying on her bed scrolling on her phone but instead she was stood by her dresser, staring down at her phone as if she were frozen. He wondered what had her zoned out like that.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks

     "What" She asks, turning to meet his eyes

"What are you thinking about?"

     "Oh uhm Jazzy texted me and asked me if I'm going to work and I was just going to reply to her"

"You have work today?"

     "Yeah at five I have to be there"

"Are you going to go?"

     "Yeah, probably if I don't go back now I'm never going to want to"

"That's fair enough. Well lemme put my number in your phone so if you need anything you can text me" He says, just wanting to be able to have a way to text her

     He sees a slight smile grow on her face and she looking down, tapping at her phone a few times. When she hands him her phone its already in the new contact screen so Scott types in his number and then he presses on the picture, taking a quick picture of himself before listing his contact under Scott. He hands the phone back to her and looks at her. Her hair and makeup is so beautifully done it made him crazy. Sometimes he just wished he could tell her everything he thought of her, he wondered how she would react to it, but even with everything he had to say he kept it to himself and decided that It would be much much better if he just didn't say anything. What ever they had going was just perfect for him. For now at least.

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