Chapter 5 - Reunited Souls

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Gazing at a being who looked the same as them, nothing else mattered anymore. All that longing as they grew closer without knowing it came clear in their senses, and now face to face, they froze.

JD jumped to hug the person holding him, who looked exactly like him. The person returned the hug, but JD suddenly let go.

"Ame... " He whispered but trailed off.

"Hm?" JD's mirror image looked all over JD's body. "Are you hurt somewhere? D-did I hurt you?"

"No... maybe." JD wiped a hand across his face and sighed. Slight awkwardness overcame him at the warm feelings building up to his core. JD pushed that aside and went with the first logical thing to ask, "Do you have a name?"


"No, not that... freakishly long name." One of JD's arms leaned on the ground for support. "Besides, those aren't our names anymore."

"Brother Hysta..."

"It's JD." JD smiled.

His young brother tilted his head, "J... D?"

"Yeah. Two letters. From my given name."

Both their legs crossed as they sat properly in front of each other.

"John Daniel St. Michael. That's my name."

"Oh!" JD's brother clapped his hands one time. "It's very modern-sounding, indeed! And while it's lengthy, it's not as difficult to say as Hystirerseyeiond-"

"Stop." JD chuckled, putting a finger in front of his brother's lips. "That long-ass name has to go. And I think you pronounced it wrong."

"I'm sure I enunciated it right! But," He smiled and waved a hand. "to be born in Julisie means we're no longer subjects of Paradise, I suppose."

"And we're just humans now."

"With god souls!"

"Which is weird."

"It is! Do you think there's a way we can speak to Garnet directly about this?"

"Maybe. But for starters, what's your name?"

An unexpected reunion that might've been planned out by Garnet himself or someone else. But it had warmed the hearts and souls of the souls that had been separated for a long, long time. JD had so much to ask his brother, and his brother had so much to tell him.

That included how he became a monster in the first place.

"A bodiless soul...." JD mumbled after his brother's long story of how he first came to the human world—to Julisie. "And this... Grogolion, or Leo, his eyes of Garnet one hundred percent realized your soul was a god's."

"How so?"

JD squinted, placing his head on his hand. "There is no real way for any soul to recover their memories. Yet he claimed he could make you remember yours." JD hummed and glanced at his brother. "He knew your inborn magic had something to do with obtaining a body, and once your soul inhabited a body, it would automatically regain all its memories."

"Because I'm a god?"

"Mhm. The soul needed a body and a system to decode everything hidden within it. Like a USB on a laptop, huh...."

"So, it was never possible for anyone to be bodiless?"

"I'm sure."

"But then why...."

"Garnet favored you so." JD leaned to a side, a side smile appearing on his face. "Maybe it had something to do with that."

He pouted and crossed his arms. "I don't care! I'm mad at him!"

Lightless Twin Souls | ONC 2023 ✔Where stories live. Discover now