Chapter 10 - Vengeful Soul, Fascinated Souls

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"I think so, too."

Everyone but Andrew's eyes widened at JD's quick reply.

Fareeha nodded slowly, a look of joy sparking in her eyes. "I'm glad I decided to do this as soon as possible. I... really needed your help."

JD cocked a head to the side, taking his hand back from Andrew and clasping them together as his elbows rested on the armchairs.

"What do you want me to do?" JD asked. "Face Zalden—Zedekiah?"

Andrew's eyes slid at his brother, a feeling of uneasiness creeping up to his soul at how calm and welcoming JD was with what Fareeha might propose.

"Yes, actually." She exchanged eyes with Nicoli briefly, who smiled at both Fareeha and JD. "And we will be right there with you to ensure your safety. I will be there so that Brother Zed will not do anything to harm you. If he persists, I'll have Nicoli aid you. He is a renowned knight from the northeast. You can rest assured."

"But," Charles intervened. "Like I told you, JD is strong enough by himself to handle several executives."

"Oho?" Nicoli voiced an interest.

"I'm sure." Charles glanced at JD's unchanging calm demeanor. "He can take on Zed and some bodyguards or executives alone. We just need to ensure they don't pile up on him."

"You regard Sir St. Michael highly, Sir Freyda."

Charles shrugged and smiled. "I've seen him move in the past. I trust what I see."

JD returned the smile before glancing over to Fareeha. "I have an idea of how things should go."

"Please." Fareeha offered politely.

"I will face Zedekiah alo-"


JD pursed his lips and side-eyed Andrew's squinted eyes. "I will face Zedekiah. Alone."

Andrew's gaze transformed into a glare, but he couldn't say anymore with how JD communicated with his eyes.

Talk later.

That was what Andrew caught. Not wanting to cause a scene, he remained quiet.

JD's gaze jumped back to the others' confused expressions. He waved a hand slightly, asking them to excuse what they saw.

"Just as Charles said, I can take care of myself just fine." JD continued, diverting the others' attention to the case. "All I need is for no one to be there but me and them."

"Why?" Fareeha asked.

"This may come off harshly, but it's so I won't have to worry about them taking any of you as hostages or anything similar."


Fareeha cut Nicoli off, giving him a side look. "That is fine."

"I can see why that would be for the best." Charles agreed. "To assure no one else goes in the main room, that's where everyone else comes in, no?"

"Maybe, yes. But I suggest we take this on quietly." JD placed one finger over his mouth and side-smiled. "So we don't alarm the entire base."

"I see. In simple terms, you just need us to distract everyone?" Fareeha crossed an arm, her other resting on the chair's arm.

"Exactly. You got it right, Ms. Jaser."

"Let's go with this plan, then," Fareeha concluded. "But regarding facing him on your own, while I said it's fine by me, I have a condition."


"Don't hurt him. Please." Her voice softened. "Or at least, not too much."

JD licked his lips and adjusted his sitting position. "I'll do what I can."

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