Chapter 11 - Infiltrating Souls

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"Why are you so wet?" Charles hopped off the couch and ran to the bedroom to get towels.

"It rained. Didn't you notice?" JD answered flatly.

"I noticed, smart-ass," Charles yelled from the other room. Once he got out, he threw a towel at JD.

He caught it in one hand. "Thanks."

"Here." Charles walked up to Andrew and gave him a separate towel before turning his head back to JD. "So, what brilliant idea did you get this time to have dragged your brother into the rain?"

"None of your business." JD briefly dried his hair and let the towel rest around his shoulders. "Drew, come here."

"Annoying bastard," Charles mumbled as he crossed his arms.

Andrew walked over to JD but turned slightly to Charles and pointed towards the suitcases on the door frame.

"We took brother's luggage from the rooftop."

"I see."

"Suddenly more polite," JD commented, taking the towel in Andrew's hands and wrapping it around the latter's head.

"He's not you." Charles rolled his eyes and sat on the arm of the couch with his arms still crossed. "I'm sure he's ten times better than your awful attitude."

"Oh, he is."

One of his brows raised at the sight upfront. "And why are you babying him?"

"What's wrong with that? He's my brother." JD answered without looking, eyes only on Andrew, hands rubbing the towel around the latter's head gently.

"Uh huh..." Charles looked away. "Anyway, you two should shower first before we depart."

"That reminds me, where's Ms. Jaser and the other guy?"

"They went ahead downstairs." Charles kicked JD with one foot. "So, hurry up."

"You can just go on ahead, you know."

After a short series of pointless arguments, Charles decided to go ahead and said they'd meet him by Abarly's gates.

"That's a relief," JD mumbled before turning to the closed bathroom door at the little shriek from inside. "Drew, are you good in there?"

"Y-yeah. I won't take long."

As he said, he took little time. JD followed to the showers and finished just as fast.

"The thing that shoots water was astonishing! I suppose the modern world isn't something I can keep underestimating." Andrew said as soon as JD went out.

"You bet." JD smiled as he rummaged through his suitcase. "You'll get to see more awesome stuff once we're over this."

Andrew's eyes sparkled as he shrank in the towel around his shoulders.

"But first," JD threw a long-sleeved shirt and a leather jacket at Andrew. "Get dressed!"


"You know you can wear any of my clothes, right?"

"I didn't know which ones would go on top and bottom." Andrew's head popped out of the hole in the long-sleeved shirt. "Only the underwear was easy to recognize because it isn't as wide as these other garments."

"You'll get used to it." JD sat beside Andrew to put on his shoes, already fully dressed, other than his feet.

Once finished, JD watched Andrew struggle to wear his black leather jacket, unable to suppress his laughter.

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