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If you've reached this far and read the first chapter/part, "Lightless Souls (LTS)" then you might be wondering how this novella is in any way 'lighthearted.' I know, I know. I didn't think it would have such dark elements at first, either.

That aside, I have some goodies for you! Well, some questions first and foremost, just for funsies, and an update on what that 'To be continued' bit meant!


Fun Questions!

1. Any favorite or hated character/s?

2. Any favorite scene/s, line/s, or dialogue/s?

3. Additional questions you have that were left unanswered? (Let's hope these get answered somewhere, shall we? :D)

4. Thoughts about the 'To be continued' bit in the last part? Are you excited about it? Any expectations?

5. Anything else you'd like to add or say about the story or to me? :)

P.S. If you were ever weirded out or felt uncomfortable throughout the story, let me guess which parts. The intimate moments between the twins, ain't it? Sorry no, sorry! XD

Okay, but their relationship does not go beyond platonic and familial. Weirdly intimate and possibly obsessive/possessive, sure, but that's as far as it goes. XD



Now what does that 'TBC' (To Be Continued) bit mean? Well, it's just as it seems. LTS originally was a simple(?) novella that I partially pantsed, if that wasn't obvious already. BUT! It unexpectedly showed many possibilities and potential (IMO), so it has now become the start of a series I am naming: Twin Souls Series! Woo!

For any plans regarding that, I've decided to give this series FOUR parts. This is the first one, and there will come a second one still featuring the two, with the addition of Zed! For a little sneak on the third and fourth, those parts... will be including romance! Gasp!

But don't get excited yet! I will not be revealing who (or which one between JD and Andrew) is going to be the main focus of the third part as well as the one who would gain a love interest, but let me just whisper this hint... IT'S GOING TO BE GAY! XD

So! I'm excited about it, but this entire series will not be resurfacing anytime soon. As this book has been completed, it will remain a first draft (aka UNEDITED) until I finish other projects. For any information about that, I will be resuming my standalone lighthearted (for real this time, I swear) college romance, "Maybe I Am, Maybe I Do"!

If you're into what it sounds like, pay my profile a little visit, and find it in my stories! XD



Finally, we got to this point.

This was quite a mess. It's a first draft, and will remain unedited for as long as I keep getting new story ideas to write. But nonetheless, this was a fun little project, and as I said before, don't take things too seriously, ESPECIALLY the bits that I intentionally made sure would make you uncomfortable throughout this journey. *cue evil smile*

All that aside, I hereby thank you so, so, so, SO MUCH! If you've read this all and whether or not you're reading this part right now. Just want to let you know you are awesome, and I appreciate you lots for wasting your brain cells (and mine) on this simple project.

With that said, it's finally time to bid LTS farewell.

JD and Andrew (plus Zed) shall see you in the next installments! I hope you check those out once they come out one of these years XD.


starisredy | S. G. Aris
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Lightless Twin Souls

To be continued.

Lightless Twin Souls | ONC 2023 ✔Where stories live. Discover now