Chapter 12 - Frozen Souls

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"What are you doing here?"


"Just so you know, civilians aren't allowed here. What are the others outside even doing?" Reizel rubbed her forehead and sighed sharply.

JD's mouth opened briefly but closed a second after.

"She doesn't know you're the one Zalden is after."

"So, it seems."

JD took on his stance, eyes not leaving hers as she shook her head, thoughts elsewhere.

"As the executive outside said, Reizel Angelos just returned today. So, that might be why."

Reizel returned to go on duty today and had only gotten out of Zedekiah's office a few minutes ago. He had informed her about their latest operation, something to do with a man named John St. Michael, but she had no idea what he looked like. Zedekiah said she'd know once she saw him.

"I just got back, and the others are unexpectedly slacking. How would one person even get this far?" Reizel hissed with crossed arms.

"So, we are near Zedekiah."

JD nodded.

Reizel's eyebrow rose. "You're still here? I thought I said...." She shook her head. "Right. An intruder, you are."

She brought her hands to her sides, glowing eyes staring directly at JD, prompting him to remain on guard and watch her every move.

It wasn't like she hadn't used her inborn magic on JD before. She did, back at the inn. But what got her eyes wide was how different it was from the last time.

Before, there was nothing special she could sense. If anything, it was below average. No inborn talent, no special magic or soul like how Zedekiah's appeared to her. The only unique thing she noticed about JD was his ability to deduce the truth from simple observations. But right now, JD's soul looked like something else. Something she'd never seen before.

"Soul detection, huh?" JD said, surprising her all the more.


Reizel figured he might be one of Zedekiah's mind-controlled civilians that got here for some reason, but mind-controlled people had magenta marks on their souls. Meanwhile, in her eyes, JD didn't have a soul.

JD tilted his head and took a step forward. Nearly transparent navy and gray flares appeared and danced around JD's arms, their hue brightening as they met in his fingers.

"What do you see in my soul that surprises you so much?"

Reizel gritted her teeth but then scoffed. "Why should I tell you?"

A little shoulder rest was JD's reply, followed by his spurt toward her. She pulled her sword vertically from its sheath hanging around her right belt. Her scarlet blade flaring a pastel-ish green, blocked his leg infused with a speed boost spell and other forms of magic enhancement.

"Left-handed, huh?" JD mumbled, his eyes sliding over her left hand, tightly gripping the hilt.

Despite realizing JD didn't know his soul was like what it was, Reizel remained in the dark. Confused and craving more answers, she didn't know how to ask or how to phrase. Ultimately, it nailed into her senses how this wasn't what he used to be yesterday.

JD jumped back and manipulated the space where he left with both hands, a distorted force with navy and gray flares flashing her way. Again, she parried, blocking her left side. Then her right hand, infused with the same space manipulation magic, attempted to stop the other force that sped up to her right side.

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