Chapter 9 - God Soul

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Nicoli faked a cough. "Correction, Charles."

"Right." Fareeha followed, more confidently facing everyone, especially JD. "We have something to tell you, Sir St. Michael. About Zalden."

Andrew squinted and walked over to JD's side, crossing his arms right after as he gazed at the other three souls in the room.

"Rather, you have something to tell us about Zalden."

JD's gaze jumped on Andrew and nodded, and then his eyes went to the others.

"That's right."

"...He's not your clone?" Charles asked.

"I don't have clone magic, Charles. I didn't learn it."

He could've, but he didn't want to. For some odd reason, he didn't go for it even when most of his colleagues took the offer when the agency's mentor offered to teach every agent about it.

As JD recalled that, his mind flickered to Andrew, bringing a sense of relief to his soul. It was a good thing he didn't learn it. If he were going to see himself, he'd rather see Andrew over and over again than some clone.


JD looked at Andrew, who looked at him, too-a silent communication. At the end of it, Andrew side-smiled as JD diverted his eyes to Charles.

"He's..." JD smiled a little. " younger twin brother."

"You have a twin brother?" Charles replied immediately, almost shouting.


"Garnet, JD." Charles pressed his nose bridge. "And your eyes? Are you wearing contacts? I doubt it, though."

With how his eyes shone when he used a spell before knocking out Charles, it was impossible he wore contact lenses. But Charles didn't want to pressure him into telling what was up.

"Well, I awakened an inborn magic this morning."

"Oh!" Charles' expression thwarted to a lighter and brighter one. "Congrats!"

JD offered a smile as he bowed in thanks.

"Can we get on to business?" Nicoli sang in an impatient and playful tone.

"Yeah, sorry." Charles gripped the vial and stood up. "But please, let me speak to JD first for clarifications."

Nicoli looked at Fareeha, who nodded. With that, Nicoli shrugged and gestured for them to continue as he walked past Charles to sit on the couch.

Now face to face, Charles gathered his thoughts.

"JD." Even as he retained his gaze on his friend, Charles couldn't help but peek at Andrew's incredibly identical face, hairstyle, and fashion sense. "I kinda know what happened last night."

"What?" JD gasped lightly.

Charles was mind-controlled like everyone else; that was what happened. But as the girl in a partial summer and autumn outfit claimed earlier, they were not under the influence. Questions rained down on JD all the more.

"I know something weird happened last night. I just couldn't remember what." Charles turned in Fareeha's direction briefly. "Well, until I met Fareeha earlier and got some ideas. Fareeha." Charles gestured for her to step in.

Fareeha nodded at Charles before turning to JD. "I think I know almost exactly what happened."

"Shall we sit down?" JD offered.

Fareeha looked down at the floor before nodding.

"My lady, come sit beside me!" Nicoli called, but then Charles had already sat beside him. "What are you sitting with me for?"

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