Chapter 7 - Sneaky Soul

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"What if someone goes there and steals it?"

JD rubbed his palms together after dropping his luggage on Calerdawn's five-story hotel rooftop with basic telekinetic magic.

"As we planned earlier, once we get to the hotel room," JD held out a hotel card key from his luggage and slipped it into a pocket. "You're gonna shapeshift into a staff and get the luggage."

"But how will you sneak in, brother? Many people are patrolling on the ground floor."

"...How did you know that?"


"Advanced magic," JD mumbled, then shook his head. "I'm surprised you can still use some of your magic without being physically here."

"Your eyes right now are my eyes."

"That's a huge help."

"You think I'll tell you everything I see with my magic?"

JD raised a brow, "...Won't you?"

A giggle resounded in JD's head, prompting him to roll his eyes,

"Of course, I will. I was only teasing."


"I'm not lying! Moreover, why do you need to sneak in if you have a room there?"

JD's grip on the tree nearby tightened as his eyes partially closed. "...It's not mine."

Silence followed, and JD shook his head violently.

"I didn't steal it! It was a spare key given to me by the owner."

"...I did not say anything."

"You were just holding back." With no response, JD sighed. "Anyway, this shouldn't be too hard."

"Mhm! Because brother is cool!"

JD shook his head and smiled slightly. He'd most likely receive more if he actively denied Andrew's compliments. Deciding to end it there, JD pushed himself out of the woods connected to Tamethe and strode towards the building.

"H-head on?"

As he reached the entrance where the granite tiles of the staircases begin, a noise of awe resounded from his head. It was the first time Andrew had laid his eyes on a high-end hotel, or any hotel for that matter, and the shimmering beads on the tiles to the glass walls with golden signages to the even more glamorous interior beyond the glass doors and walls were sightings that neither of them would've thought possible centuries ago.

Fortunately, many people gathered in the lobby and the dining area connected to it due to the time of day. Breakfast.

Sliding his hands in his pockets, JD's chin remained up as the glass doors opened. A security guard bowed his head at JD's entry, but his focus quickly turned to other people making a fuss in the lobby.

Someone's voice by the reception desk grew loud, demanding a mistake had been made by some of the organizers, forcing the idea that they had made a prior reservation and eventually requiring more and more staff to calm them down.

"See, I told you it wouldn't be so hard."

"Humans are weird...."

"Excuse me, sir."

JD ignored it, knowing full well he was the one a staff from the reception was calling. He could feel Andrew's panic inside him, which was harder to ignore.

"Sir." The staff's hand reached JD's shoulder, who stopped at contact. "You forgot to sign your entry."

JD turned his head to face the young-looking man in the same uniform as the ones walking around with clipboards in their hands.

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