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Finally, the day came of the fellowship's parting. Eadrid had prepared herself to her satisfaction and was ready to be on the road once again, finding herself restless in one place for so long.

She had not seen much of Aragorn the last few days after their strange encounter, and found herself often in the company of Legolas and Gimli, most times settling their aimless arguments.

As she walked down the path towards the arch that stood as the entrance to Rivendell, she saw Aragorn looking to the trees beyond. His clean and pressed clothes were replaced with those that he wore when they arrived. His black clothes had seen much wear and seemed to fit him better than the clean tunics and cloaks he had worn these last weeks. Eadrid inadvertently found herself liking these clothes much better on him, but threw the thought quickly from her mind.

The rest of the fellowship followed after Eadrid, along with Elrond and Arwen and a few others.

"The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom, and you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will." Eadrid smiled to Arwen. "Farewell." Elrond met every eye of the fellowship. "Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of elves, and men, and all free folk go with you."

The ten turned to the arch, Frodo in the lead.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer." Gandalf said, motioning for Frodo to begin.


The course was to take them west of the Misty Mountains, aiming for the Gap of Rohan. There, they would turn east to Mordor. Eadrid felt conflicted with the return to Rohan. She desired so greatly to see her father again, to see her brother and her cousins. But a thought lurked in the back of her mind, telling her she left them to die by the hand of Sauroman. She made no effort to fight against the evil that grew in Edoras, but left as soon as she was banished. Maybe, if she had fought harder for her people-

"Eadrid? Are you alright?" Merry walked next to Eadrid, who had noticed her weary look.

Eadrid smiled sadly. "I am alright, thank you, Merry."

He nodded and fell back with the other hobbits, telling them that she was indeed alright, and they gave a small nod of approval.

Eadrid smiled as she heard it, the hobbits were truly admirable creatures. Eadrid had never met a hobbit before this journey, and she had never taken much interest in them. She wish it had not been that way, for they proved Eadrid wrong of every doubt she had in them. They were courageous and spirited in every way.

Well, not in the way of traveling so much. The rest of the fellowship was often met with groaning hobbits for a rest and a meal, the groaning for meals often came multiple times a day. 

After many days of travel, often in silence or to the listening of songs by the hobbits, they rested in a flat area with tall grass and large rocks. They each laid down their packs and took to what calmed them. Legolas took watch, Gandalf watched the hobbits, Aragorn took to his pipe, and Eadrid laid on a large rock, letting the sun wash over her.

Boromir had taken to teaching Pippin swordplay. "Good, very good." Eadrid leaned up on her elbows to watch the two.

Aragorn sat next to her, blowing smoke from his pipe. "Move your feet."

"You look good, Pippin." Merry nodded.

Pippin looked over to him. "Thanks." Merry joined the practice as Sam and Frodo looked on them smiling.

Eadrid laid back down, her hands resting on her stomach.


"Yes?" She sat up once again and faced Boromir, who had paused the practice with the hobbits. Eadrid and Boromir had not spoken a word to each other since the council.

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