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Before Eadrid's eyes could even open, she was flooded with overwhelming peace. Her body felt calm, renewed. It felt stronger, like the blood flowing through her was fused with energy.

Eadrid's eyes opened, but all she could see was white. She rubbed her eyes, thinking her sight deceived her, but sitting up she saw that she was indeed in a room of all white. Possibly a room, she thought, or perhaps a never ending expanse, where the white walls and floor blended into one.

She stood up, expecting to feel drowsy and lightheaded, but stood firm on her feet.

"Eadrid! How lovely to see you."

Eadrid turned to see a figure approaching her. As she stared at it, she could only see the long robes that flowed around him. She raised her hand to cover her eyes, as a bright white light emanated from where she should have been able to see his face.

"Who are you?" She called out to him, her voice clear and strong. "Why can I not see you?"

"I am afraid if I was to show my true self to you, your mortal body would not be able to understand it... and pass into shadow." He said. "So for that reason, I keep myself hidden."

His voice was so serene, flowing like a calm river from one delicate word to the next. 

"How am I here?" Eadrid lowered her hand as the light became dimmer, but still unable to see his face. "I... died."

"Yes, yes you did."

Eadrid shook her head. "Then I failed. I did not fulfill my destiny... I have failed all the men of Middle Earth."

"Oh, no, Eadrid. Quite the opposite indeed." The man waved his hand. "Sit!"

Suddenly, the two were in a small room, and Eadrid sat on a couch. Looking around her, she saw that she was in a cozy wooden cabin, a small fire crackling across from her.

The man sat in the large chair next to her, leaning back, but his face still clouded. Eadrid thought that when she saw him out of the corner of her eye he became more clear, and she swore she saw a long white beard flowing all the way down to his knees.

"Eadrid, the power you showed when facing the Witch King was insurmountable." He poured himself a cup of tea, and Eadrid looked down to see a mug in her hands. "If you were to have failed, it would have been when he struck you in your stomach. That blow alone should have killed you."

Eadrid sipped the tea, warmth flowing through her veins.

"But you refused to give up, refused to die, and refused to let go the oath you held to your people of Middle Earth."

Eadrid set down the mug on the table in front of her and faced him. "I do not understand... But I did fail, I died. How am I supposed to rule when I am here in death?"

"Oh, Eadrid. We were always supposed to meet here! If, of course, you were to succeed. Which you have." The man crossed a leg onto his other knee. "Once defeating the Witch King, the next step was to come here, and speak with me."

Eadrid shook her head. "About what?"

"You have come to a fork in the road, Eadrid, two choices lay before you. The first, is the choice to remain in death. You may leave Middle Earth, where a place for you is held on the White Ship, set to sail to the Undying Lands."

"Why would I have a place there?" Eadrid's brows furrowed. The Undying Lands were for Elves, where they spent the rest of their days in eternal bliss. A human like her did not belong there.

"Well, of course you do, Eadrid!" Eadrid realized he could see every thought, or doubt, rather, in her mind. "After what you have accomplished, the death and fury that you have faced, I have allowed you a seat on that ship, which is yours for the taking, if you so choose."

"And the second option?"

"Your second choice, is to return to Middle Earth-"

Eadrid raised her brows. "That is it? I may return, as simple as that?"

The man held up his hand. "Let me finish. You may return to Middle Earth, but you will be changed. Gone will be your mortal body and soul, and replaced will be a life gifted of many years. For ages will you remain in those lands, for the purpose of guiding the free men of Middle Earth. Wisdom will be gifted to you, so that you may guide the future Kings and Queens and oversee your line, leading them so that the reign of men may not fail again."

Eadrid still stared at him in confusion. "What?"

"If you choose to return to Middle Earth, I must ask this of you in return."

"So I can die, truly die, and sail into the Undying Lands, living the rest of eternity in pure bliss. Or... I can return to Middle Earth, a flawed land, to rule the future Kings for generations so that the line of men may thrive."

"You have understood me correctly."

"Why do they need me to do this? If they cannot do this on their own, then should they rule Middle Earth?" Eadrid asked.

"No, they cannot do this on their own. Not yet. For thousands of years evil has prowled your home. The rule of men will be fresh, so yes, they do need you. They will need guidance and wisdom to rebuild the once great race of men."

Eadrid didn't respond to him and looked to the fire.

"You think of Aragorn." He said softly.

Eadrid shook her head but did not look at him. "You say I will be gifted with long life... and that is only me?"


"So I return to Middle Earth... and I must live his years with him, then watch as he fades into old age and darkness, forced to watch our descendants thrive without him at my side."

The man nodded his head in silence.

"And he cannot be gifted with long life like I?"

"Aragorn has battled against Sauron and his evils for many long years. Once his life comes to an end, he will have spent many more ruling the men of Middle Earth a better and kinder leader then anyone before him. His life will be fulfilled, I can ask him to do no more then the already great things he has, and will do, in his lifetime."

Eadrid put her face in her hands and took a deep breath.

"Take time to think about it. You will find if you return that not more then a few days have passed."

But Eadrid did not need more time to think. This to her, was a test of her selfishness. 

If she sailed to the Undying Lands, every day would be riddled with guilt. She would have left Middle Earth for her own betterment, living her days in peace while man may or may not fail.

And not only would it be selfish to not help them, but to Aragorn as well. Eadrid would leave him, alone.

Not when she had the choice to return to Middle Earth would she ever choose the life of the Undying Lands. 

If she was forced to choose again and again, she would always choose to return to Aragorn. Even though she will be forced to watch him be buried under the ground, and to see their children buried with him.

Always would she choose to have a small part of eternity with him then the rest of time without him.

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