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Aragorn had moved Eadrid's body into the White City. She lay on a bed in the House of Healing, her face pale and her skin cold. Aragorn knelt next to the bed for hours, shedding tears over her.

The rest of the Fellowship stood near him, mourning the loss of their friend, but kept their distance from Aragorn.

If any of them tried to approach and share a word of comfort, he would push them away and mumble to himself. "She's not dead, no, no... Not dead, she's not..."

Gandalf finally stood next to him and looked upon Eadrid. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked upon her, as he remembered the once young girl he knew who had grown into a wonderful young woman.

He put a hand on Aragorn's shoulder, bracing himself to be pushed back away from her. "It is time, Aragorn... We must let her soul lay to rest, she is gone."

But Aragorn's shoulders only sagged. He had no words left to yell at him. 

Aragorn looked upon Eadrid one last time, but still her chest stayed in place, and no heartbeat pulsed through her.

He stood shakily, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Till I join you in death, will I love you, Eadrid." He whispered, his voice shaking, and finally turned to follow Gandalf.

But only as he turned around, as the rest of the Fellowship finally gave up any hope, did Aragorn stop.

He slowly turned back to face her, his heart pounding as he listened once more.

"It cannot be." He fell to his knees once more in front of her, studying her. 

And he saw her lips part, and her chest rise and fall just barely.

"Eadrid!" Aragorn grasped her hand, and Eadrid squeezed it gently.

He smiled through tears and cupped her face, and kissed her on the forehead, then on her lips.

As he pulled apart, he saw her lips turn into a small smile, her eyes opening just slightly. "Aragorn." She said breathlessly. 

She sat up slowly, and Aragorn watched her, amazed, holding her shoulders gently as if he was afraid he would break her.

Eadrid blinked once, then twice, then studied Aragorn's face. "Aragorn..." She reached for her face, holding him. She jumped on him so quickly as she kissed him that they both toppled to the floor. Eadrid kissed him desperately, laying on top of him on the cold stone.

Eadrid pulled away and smiled down at him, her hair falling all over his face. 

She stood quickly, quicker then she meant to, and extended a hand to Aragorn. As she pulled him up, he flew to his feet, gasping as he stumbled.

"Eadrid..." Aragorn looked to her hand in confusion, then finally looked at her clearly. She stood taller, and her skin was fairer. Her shoulders seemed broader, in fact her arms were more muscular then they were, seeming tight against the sleeves of her dress. A glow shone around her that seemed to shine like faint moonlight. Aragorn held her shoulders, inspecting every part of her. "What happened to you?"

Eadrid looked to the rest of the Fellowship as they gathered in the doorway, watching them with smiles and confusion all at once.

"I believe we ought to give the two a moment." Gandalf said, a twinkle in his eye.

They nodded and left the room.

Eadrid looked back to Aragorn.

She felt different. She felt stronger, somehow also older. Like she had the experience of one-thousand wars under her belt.

She looked down to herself, she was dressed in a dark blue gown, but it was tight, tighter then it would have been in her arms and chest. Looking down, she saw black streaks running along the back and front of her right hand. It looked as though ink had filled her veins, and as she pulled up the sleeve of her dress she saw it ran up along her arm, and assumed even to the top of her shoulder.

Aragorn pulled her sleeve down and lifted her chin to meet her eyes. "Eadrid..." He whispered. "You died... your heart stopped."

And so Eadrid explained everything that had happened with the strange man in the strange cozy cabin, every word exchanged between the two.


They found themselves at the top of the Citadel of Minas Tirith, where the White Tree formed its roots, when Eadrid had finished telling Aragorn her story.

"And so that must be why I feel different... I must have been given a new body like that of the Elves, I would presume, to last my long life."

Aragorn tucked her hair behind behind her, but found her ears still rounded, human.

He did not say anything but looked over the edge of the garden to the city below them.

Eadrid pulled his face to look at her. "Why do you stay silent?"

He shook his head. "Why did you choose this?" He said quietly.

Eadrid furrowed her brows in confusion.

Aragorn grabbed her hands in his. "I am mortal, Eadrid. I will have no more then two-hundred years with you, if even that. I will leave you, though I promised you I would never again, and you will remain here, bound to your grief... You cannot do this Eadrid, not for me."

"What would you have me do? Throw myself off this tower so I can fall into death once more?" Eadrid shook her head. "I have chosen this, Aragorn. I choose to have an immortal life so that I may share even a glimpse of it with you. To face all the darkness and grief in this world alone is worth the love that I cherish with you." She said this softly, running a hand over the necklace that lay on his chest. Their lips became close. "I choose this life, Aragorn."

Aragorn shook his head as he stared down at her, looking at her lips. He brushed them with his, sighing.

Eadrid kissed him softly, but he stayed reserved. She pulled apart and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Do not attempt to distance yourself from me. No matter what you do, will I still grieve you. Do not think that if you try to stay away from me will you ease my pain."

Aragorn exhaled his tight breath, knowing Eadrid had seen right through him.

"So don't you try-"

But Aragorn cut off her words by pressing his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, every ounce of himself offered up to her for the taking. 

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