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Eadrid finally had wandered back to where the fellowship was sleeping soundly, and she found her bed.

She laid in the comfortable pillows and blankets, but much to her dismay she could not sleep. Her mind could not rest from the almost confession of Aragorn and her destined future. Many worries seeped through her closed eyelids though she tried to push them away.

Why would Aragorn tell her what he did but walk away? He would not touch her, he could not even look at her.

Eadrid decided, she would not care.

No more thoughts of Aragorn, of caring what he was thinking or of catching his eye. She would no longer care about his perception of her.


The next morning, the fellowship stood before Galadriel and Celeborn on the bank of the river, preparing for their departure.

Eadrid, though not sleeping much, felt much more rested  then before their arrival, to which she was grateful.

Other elves stood in front of each of them and fastened cloaks around their necks, held together by a beautiful silver leaf. Eadrid smiled to the elf as she stepped back. They both bowed their heads, and Galadriel and Celeborn were left with the fellowship.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." Celeborn looked to each of them. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

Galadriel then stepped forward, stepping in front of each of them. She went down the line, gifting each member something much to their delight, except poor Sam. To Legolas she gave a bow, and to Gimli she gave three of her golden hairs. 

Then she came to Eadrid and met her eyes with a soft smile. "Eadrid, to you I gift this." She held out a necklace on a thin silver chain. On it laid a flower, to which Eadrid recognized as a dahlia flower, and it was encrusted with dark green gems. "This is a green dahlia, which often represents new beginnings, while staying true to oneself. This necklace was made for you by the elves here in Lothlorien. I hope that it is a comforting symbol to you that there will be new beginnings in your future, but that you are strong enough to master them." 

Galadriel placed the necklace around her neck, and it laid beautifully. Eadrid ran her fingers over it, studying the intricate details.

Galadriel placed her hand on Eadrid's chin, bringing her eyes up to hers. "Do not be troubled, Eadrid. I know that this is a great weight, but you will succeed."  

Eadrid gave a half-hearted smile and thanked her, placing the necklace under her shirt.

The fellowship got into the intricately carved boats and began their descent from Lorien. Eadrid sat behind Sam, and as they made their way she turned to face Galadriel. She had a delicate hand raised in farewell. 

Eadrid turned back to the river in front of them. She took a deep breath, the weight of a thousand tons now seemed to rest on her shoulders.

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