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Eadrid walked into her room and saw Aragorn on her balcony. The sun was setting in the West, and Aragorn turned to look at her as she stepped out the door. He smiled as she stood next to him.

Aragorn watched the sun fall over her face, highlighting her jaw and high cheekbones. She stood with confidence and poise. 

She looked like a queen.

Aragorn pulled her into his arms, one hand holding her head into his chest. 

Eadrid breathed in and let go a long sigh.

Aragorn moved her head to look at him. "Is everything alright?"

She smiled. "Yes, everything is alright."

"Good." He leaned down and kissed her gently, then placed a kiss on her forehead.

They went inside and into bed, falling asleep in each other's arms, wondering which of them would wake the other from the inevitable dreams.


The night, however, led to no nightmares. Each of them slept deeply, and Eadrid awoke from the rising sun settling into her room, Aragorn's arms wrapped around her. 

She moved slightly to not wake him, but he stirred as soon as she moved. 

"Good morning." He mumbled, voice low and rough from waking. 

Eadrid kissed his cheek. "Good morning." She said brightly. 

He opened one eye and peered down at her. "You are awfully cheery for one who would get up at noon every day if she could."

Eadrid smiled and propped herself up on her elbow near his pillow. She smiled down at him and reached for his face, moving her hands over his jaw and grazed over his lips.

His eyes finally opened, and he looked at her with a smirk.

"Let's get breakfast," Eadrid said.

Aragorn's eyebrows raised. "That was not what I expected you to say."

Eadrid looked confused. "How do you mean?"

"I expected you to say you wanted to lay here with me for a long while."

Eadrid smiled. "No, I want food."

"Alright, whatever you say." Aragorn stood up and scooped Eadrid into his arms, carrying her across the room.

Eadrid laughed as he put her down. She leaned against the door as he kissed her gently. She pressed forward to kiss him deeply but he pulled away, grazing her lips to tease her.

She pulled on his shirt with a smile as she pulled him close, and he finally kissed her passionately. 

"Breakfast." She mumbled against his lips.

She tried to pull away but he grabbed her hips, keeping her in place. "Now you want to go?" He said between kisses. 

Eadrid reached for the door handle against her back and pushed open the door as he continued kissing her. 

She laughed as they stumbled slightly out of the room and Aragorn had to hug her waist to keep her from falling backward.

He sighed and smiled at her, accepting defeat. 

Eadrid grinned and gave him one last kiss.

She turned around, dragging Aragorn by the hand, but stopped abruptly.

"Good morning," Eomer smirked.

Aragorn coughed and Eadrid's eyes widened.

"Hello... Eomer. We were... just uh-"

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