51: No justice.

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"Ma'am the vice chancellor will see you now," the secretary smiled and walked toward her desk, Dara stood up and limped following her parents into the office. The pristine office that belonged to their vice-chancellor, Miss Ugoji Sarah, was located in the centre of the senate building, clean and painted in pastel white, with beige undertones and black furniture. It looked more expensive than some Nigerian houses.

"Oh! You are here?" Sarah stood up with a smile which, Maria and Kola did not reciprocate. They found out that Bobby was released just two days after the incident and all efforts to get him back to jail were in vain. The school had neither suspended him nor did have they punished him.

"Please sit," she was grinning from ear to ear, annoying Maria all the more. Why was she smiling? Does this situation warrant a smile?

"I am not pleased with what has happened in this school environment under your supposed care and watch to my child Miss Sarah, that boy almost killed my child and he has not been punished at all!"

"Ma'am... Hum... I do not want to sound rude or anything, but Dara can't do anything to Bobby, and I advise you to stop trying," Maria and Kola frowned.

"What do you mean, Miss Sarah?" Kola inquired, "well, Bobby's father is the one funding the scholarship that Dara is on. He has threatened to pull it off if you do not look the other way."

Maria scoffed, furious at the threat, "I do not give a fuck! I will not allow my daughter to suffer injustice!"

"It's not like I want her to suffer injustice too, but there is nothing you can do. Bobby's father is connected, he managed to create this scholarship as set it up, agreeing with the National Council of universities to allow students in their semi-final year to get the opportunity to come to this school and finish here."

"We can pay the school fees, it's no big deal," Maria shrugged, "I am sorry you cannot. The university has a system and if you want to start paying school fees then she would have to start again as a JAMBite or a direct entry into the university and do another four to five sections," Maria blinked realising that they were stuck and could do nothing.

"I advise Dara to stay away from Bobby, she has one semester left, and her exams that were missed would be written in the summer but you have to understand that if you choose to continue with this case, hundreds of students who are on scholarship all be disenfranchised," she explained.

Dara sighed from the other side of the room, she was listening to everything she said, she did not know that information before but now that she knew it, she remembered how she would struggle, it was only that fund from the scholarship that saved them. She knew there were students like her too in that school, and her conscience would not allow her to do something that wicked to them.

She would just have to stick to her original plans of keeping her head low, she did not want any more trouble than she is already in.

"You people can't be serious..."

"You are not going to do anything!" Dara cut her mother short. There was no need to go on a rant, nothing going to be done. It was pointless to vent it on miss Sarah.

"We are leaving! And except for lesser donations to your school this year! That would be payment for the scars on my child's body," Maria gritted out. She picked up her bag and turned to Dara who was already standing.

Dara followed her father and the vice chancellor out of the office, she crossed a small hallway and bumped into someone holding large copies of files, she blinked as the woman fell to her knees in fear as Sarah glared venomously at her, "I am sorry! I am sorry!" she started repeating.

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