35: Unexpected Return.

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"So what do you want me to help you do?" Dara asked looking around, Kelvin was so meticulous that he had all ingredients brought out and set in order, "nothing much, I can handle everything, you must be tired from all the stress today," she sighed rubbing her forehead.

"I am tired but I can help, I want to contribute to the food, after the disaster of a pancake that I made, I think it high time I started learning cooking, it's really frustrating not knowing how to basic life skills," she said sitting on the stool opposite him.

"Well you are in good hands!" he grinned, "so we are cooking spaghetti, Jollof-spag to be exact, you will first..." he started teaching her what she should and should not do. Until finally the spaghetti was ready to be eaten.

He served it in plates for her before bringing out bottled water, she accepted it and they walked toward the living room where they sat, "wow, you are a good cook!" Dara said taking another plate of spaghetti, she did not know hungry she was until he started cooking.

"Mercie," he grinned making his dimple come out, something Dara grew fond of. After eating, they cleaned the plate and talked about their coming exams and how they wanted to sort them out.

"It's pretty late, will you stay?" Dara thought of it, she was too tired to go back there, but Layo was all alone with people she barely knew, shat if she woke up and needed help? She would not be there to help her.

"Don't overthink it, Dara, she is going to be fine, they are not going to harm her," he entered her space placing his hands on her shoulders, she sighed looking away, before nodding.

"I am really tired but I will wake up as early as I can, then I will try and think of what to do about her education, I cannot find a school around that is cheap. The school she was going to before all this shit happened was taking 22,000 nairas a section, how will manage it now that we are on the island? Everything has..."

"You are overthinking again, just leave everything till tomorrow, just for one night can we forget about our problems?" he asked softly lifting her jaw, she tried not to make what he was doing affect her. She tried to slow her heart rate and the way it pounded, she tried not to choke saliva as she got a clearer and nearer view of his face.

His mother must have been a goddess in her past life because she had produced fine men. His hands went from her shoulder to her lower that clasped her in between him, and her heartbeat went faster, "you are a good sight from the angle," he chuckled and pulled away, "you are very short how can you see me clearly?" he asked with amusement.

"Hey! That rude!" she said following him toward outside up the stair, they made their way to the open terrace where the large pool was, "this place is very big o, what if there is an intruder or something? How will you know?"

"I don't think an intruder can get in, the place is secured twenty-four seven, nobody gets in or out without my permission," he said, taking a sit by the poolside.

"Hmmm, I entered that day without your permission."

"You are not an intruder are you?" he replied, he swirled the water with his legs. Silence reined over them for a while as they enjoyed the fresh air that was around the house, the terrace was made naturally green, and it made it cooler, "the pool is clean though? The rain messed it up but is it clean now?"

"Yeah, I have someone clean it up," she nodded before sighing, "you know I sometimes wonder why I did it?" he turned toward her, "did what?" she kept mute for a good minute before looking back at him.

"I wonder why I decided to go through with her birth, what was I thinking? And I have various health issues because of childbirth now, I just want to know why I did it. I love Layo and I feel selfish for feeling this way knowing I had the option to have opted out of the birth, nobody forced me, but I wish I had someone who could have told me the risk behind it."

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