57: Ten years old Truth.

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"Hey," Dara perked Kelvin on the lips. It had been three weeks since her birthday and she had finally started settling into a routine.

The group was finally back to school and none of them could act like nothing happened but it could be seen that what had happened had devastating consequences for them.

Dara and the twins attended their lectures and she made plans to continue her project work with Kelvin. It had been quiet lately and she tried to make it liver. She had been visiting Layo ever since she went back to school because she was worried.

The girl appeared fine as if nothing had happened to make her worry. Was Layo truly okay or was it a facade?

"If you frown like that one more time, the wrinkles will never leave," Luis joked with a smile. She looked away, rolling her plastic spoon around her noodles. She did not have the strength to put on a bright smile and behave as if nothing was wrong.

"You have been very quiet lately, are you okay?" Kelvin whispered staring at his friends who were all murmuring. She nodded quickly and shoved another spoon into the shoved.

The noodles had turned almost cold but she continued to force herself to eat more. She could not stop, she had to appear found. Dele pulled the noodles from her front, surprising her. He placed bottled water in front of her, with a raised eyebrow. She took it and gulped it down, "have you been sleeping, Dara? You look like shit," Luis commented.

"Thank you, Luis, for that wonderful observation," she said sarcastically. "I am sorry about the way it came out but are you alright? Have you been sleeping?" Luis asked again, a concern showing on his face.

"I am fine! I am fine!" she waved him off. They all seemed fine, which meant he was being dramatic about the whole thing. Maybe it was not that bad, maybe the fear she had was just overthinking.

"Besides, sleeping is overrated," she grinned at him, making the group exchange collective looks, "hum... I think that you should go back home, Dara," Kelvin suggested gently making her frown.

"What I am fine, I am fine." she said again, "I am sorry, you are not found Dara, I am not saying you are not fine..."

"Then what are you saying?" she said in a snappy tone. Kelvin went mute staring at her, she had been irritable, snapping at the littlest things. She was not found and the issue affected her more evidently than other people in their group.

"Dara, I am not saying you are not fine. I have a very comfortable bed, and back at home, my room is quiet and generic, you will love it. There is nothing else to do in school why not follow me, let's check it out!" he suggested with a bright smile.

Dara looked around the friend group, they were all expecting her to tsk the offer. She rubbed her tired and throbbing eyes, it felt like it was swelling already. From worrying about Layo constantly to her siblings giving her shit, and the constant fear of Nisi reappearing how could she ever have time to herself.

Dara stood up, deciding to take the offer, Kelvin smiled with delight and they waved their friends goodbye. She sighed as soon as they entered his car and rested her head on the side of the car, she closed her eyes as the AC started working. The stress was too much on her.

She opened her eyes after it seemed like mere minutes, they needed to enter Kelvin's estate, and she watched the beautiful gated community and how pristine and clean it was. The wealth and power around her could not be described by a mere mouth. It was not the first time that she had to come here, a lot had happened and it had been months since she rubbed her head.

Bellrich and the people in it had changed her life more drastically than she thought. Kelvin's phone sprang alive and started buzzing, she had gotten rid of her old phone, technically her new phone. After what Nisi revealed about the TBS phone, she could not keep it around. The police had collected it as evidence against Nisi and Bobby.

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