3|| Who's in the Lake?

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Nick drove up the steep hill, past the high mountainous regions that set a gorgeous backdrop to the town's scenery. Veering the car down the sloping hill, Nick steadied it as the edge of the mountain was nervewreckingly close. 

Lesley peered out the window while she sat in the passenger seat, enjoying the picturesque views.

"These views are so relaxing," Lesley remarked, gazing out the window and admiring the vivid blue sky. "I bet I could restart my photography business with these views!" She smiled as the grassy hills accentuated the mountains in the backdrop, enticing her with its allure.

"I know plenty of people from the city who would love to take pictures with this scenery as their backdrop!" Lesley exclaimed. She fell more in love with the small town of Arcaden as she admired the views. Her affection bordered on near obsession, and she was fine with that because, in her mind, who wouldn't be obsessed with living in a lake house in near seclusion, surrounded by nature?

Lesley knew, deep down, that Arcaden was the perfect town for her and Nick.

In the past, they considered having children, but neither of them felt ready. Although it remained a lingering thought, they hadn't given it much consideration as of late. And when the day did come, Lesley planned on homeschooling them. Although the nearest public school was forty minutes away, it didn't make a difference. Lesley and Nick agreed they preferred homeschooling over public schools.

Nick continued driving, listening to the smooth jazz music emanating from the speakers—music always mellowed him out, especially Jazz.

While Nick wasn't as enthused by the scenery as Lesley was, he found contentment in her happiness, which mattered most to him.

"Yeah, things are pretty nice up here." Nick agreed while nodding. Peeking over at the mountains and the landscape nearby, he thought it was a nice sight, but he wasn't as vocal about it as Lesley. Nick just wanted to get to the house already so they could meet Jackie, get their house keys, and start moving their things in.

Nick turned onto their new street, Gillian Place. He drove down the narrow road and turned a quick right, pulling up to their driveway. Jackie's white Range Rover was parked out front. She was waiting inside the house for them.

Lesley's heart stopped. "I can't believe this is our new home, Nick!" she gazed at the lakehouse with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. "It feels like a dream!"

"You better believe it!" Nick replied playfully, stealing a fleeting glance at Lesley. His heart jumped with happiness as he noticed the wide smile affixed to her face. It made Nick that much happier to witness his wife's profound love and joy for their new home. Given Lesley's childhood, Nick ensured that he would do his best to provide her with the life she deserved.

As Nick steered the car up the driveway, their lake house slowly came into view. Lesley was mesmerized by its beauty as it sat right above the lake. They had discovered it was built out of pure oakwood. The patio at the back of the house perched on stilts, its legs extending deep beneath the surface and into the waters below.

Lesley thought it was the perfect area for entertaining. She envisioned the many guests she would invite to immerse themselves in the scenery- the amazing views of the lake and the essence of the surrounding areas.

Nick parked his car in front of the three-car garage. After twisting his key and taking it out of the ignition, he turned to glance at Lesley in the passenger seat. Leaning over, he gave her a peck on the cheek. She turned and smiled at him.

"Nick, thank you." She reached over and placed her hand over his as it lay on his thigh, gazing into his eyes.

"Thanks for what?" Nick asked, confused.

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