36|| New Evidence

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Denise stood in Lesley's entryway with a frown etched across her face. The pitter-patter of the water droplets dripping from her coat onto the hardwood floor resonated into the air. Her face was a mash of tears and smeared black mascara. The distant rumble of thunder and the intermittent flashes of lightning outside added an eerie layer to the already dark and mysterious situation.

"What did Officer Todd tell you?" Jackie harshly inquired in an almost demanding tone as her eyes bore into Denise.

Denise shrugged. "He called me and told me to meet him at Lesley's house."

"Then why are you crying?!" Jackie inquired, her eyes drilling into Denise. "He must've told you something?"

Denise nodded. "He didn't tell me anything. And if you want to know why I'm crying, it's because my husband is still in jail!"

Lesley's heart flip-flopped in her chest. Tears flowed from her eyes. "Oh my God, Officer Todd is after us next."

Denise was astounded by Lesley's sudden outburst and fear of Officer Todd.

"Lesley!" Jackie warned. "Keep quiet!"

Tension hung in the air, an inescapable presence that affected them all. The feeling struck Denise in the gut, a palpable unease settling in.

"What's going on?" Denise asked with confusion etched across her face. Her gaze shifted from Lesley to Jackie as she sought answers.

"Denise, why don't you take off your coat and have a seat in the living room." Jackie suggested, a compassionate tone evident in her voice. Denise shed her coat, handing it to Lesley, who carefully hung it on the coat rack. Jackie then placed her hands on Denise's shoulders, slowly guiding her into the living room. A cocoon of suspense gripped Denise as she grew more suspicious of Jackie's actions.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the doorbell chime, and it startled them.

"Oh, that must be Charlie!" Jackie announced, sighing with relief.

Lesley's eyes widened. "You called Charlie?!" Lesley asked, stunned by Jackie's lack of disclosure about his impending arrival.

"Yes, we need him here! He has his gun with him."

Denise gulped, shifting her head. She gazed at Lesley. "Can somebody please tell me what's going on?!" She demanded.

Jackie sped-walked toward the front door, leaving Lesley and Denise in the living room.

Lesley slumped onto the couch in disbelief at the current situation she found herself in. Denise was still standing, waiting for Lesley to fill her in.

"Denise, I'm so sorry." Lesley apologized. "Jackie and I discovered some alarming news."

Denise immediately sat down next to Lesley, fear coursing through her veins. "What?" She asked. "What is it?"

Hanging her head low with grief, she confided in Denise. "Jackie just showed me video footage of Officer Todd slugging Leah's lifeless body across his shoulders."

Denise's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. "No, this is a sick joke." She shook her head. "It can't be true!"

"Denise." Lesley reached for her hands, holding them with a firm gentleness. "You can't say anything to Jackie. Please. I beg of you. This is just between me and you until we get to the bottom of this, alright?"

A tear slipped down Denise's cheek. "I don't know what's happening anymore, Lesley. It feels like my life has been on a tumultuous whirlwind. When will it stop?"

Soon, Charlie's voice could be heard in the distance as Jackie welcomed him into the Livingstons' residence. He was a tall, burly man, around six foot five, with broad shoulders. Gripping a gun in his hand, he entered the living room.

"Denise, this is my husband, Charlie." Jackie introduced him. "I know now is not the best time for introductions. But he's here to keep us safe."

Denise nodded. "Hi, Charlie." she said in a soft tone.

Charlie smiled with a quick nod of his head. "I know the circumstances suck. However, it's nice to meet you, Denise."

Lesley remained seated on the couch, a stoic expression woven on her face. The emotions that were twirling within had come to a sudden halt, and she didn't know how or what to feel anymore.

"What's the game plan, Charlie?" Jackie's eyes ventured up, meeting her husband's gaze.

Charlie responded with furrowed brows, a perplexed expression drawing across his face. "I thought you said Todd was on his way here," Charlie questioned her.

Jackie's head spun, her eyes landing on Denise for confirmation. "Isn't Officer Todd coming here, Denise?"

"Yes," Denise answered in a monotone voice. Her eyes were empty as she questioned herself, unsure if she had entered a new world, unknown to her. And with Gary still in jail, the terror and fear that resided within wouldn't loosen, and she was beginning to lose her grip on her sanity.

"Can you call him to see when he'll be here?" Jackie inquired. "We need to know. This is serious."

"I guess I can call." Peering down at her phone, she pressed a button and placed the phone to her ear.

Out of the blue, a loud banging erupted on Lesley's door, jolting them to their feet.

"That must be Officer Todd!" Jackie exclaimed, taking a deep breath.

Lesley's heart plummeted, her breath heavy as sweat began to expel from her pores.

"Lesley." Charlie stated. "Why don't you open the door since this is your home?"

Lesley nodded. "I'm scared. What if he shoots me?"

"He's not going to shoot you." Charlie reassured. "We're all here. There are too many of us. We're witnesses."

"OK." Lesley hesitated for a minute until she built up the courage to unlock the door. Trembling, she unlocked the bottom lock, then she slipped the top lock until it became undone.

Slowly, she opened the door until Officer Todd was fully present. He stood there in the rain, the lightning casting an eerie glow behind him as he stood silent on the porch. The ravenous sounds of thunder echoed in sync with the tone of Lesley's heartbeat.

Officer Todd was shocked to see Lesley in such an awful state. She appeared unwell. "Are you alright, Lesley?" He scrutinized her face more closely. "You don't look well."

"I'm fine." Lesley reassured, though her trembling nerves betrayed her words.

He reached into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a white piece of paper. Unraveling it, he held the crinkled paper up in front of Lesley. "I have news for you!" He exclaimed. "Your killers are Jacqueline and Charles Montreal!"

"What?!" Lesley asked in complete disbelief, nearly falling to her knees.

"The Arcaden Police Department is aware, along with Officer Grant and the FBI. They were able to obtain warrants and are currently ransacking their residence for any more signs of evidence in the death of Leah Meyers."

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