17|| The Meyers (II)

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Jackie steered her white Range Rover along the winding paths of the mountainous terrain as she drove home, which wasn't too far from the Livingston's residence. She eased her car into the driveway, gently applying pressure to the brake, she shifted the gear into the park. With a soft exhale, she stepped out of her car, greeted by the refreshing embrace of the crisp night air. 

Retrieving her key from her pocket, she inserted it into the keyhole and turned the doorknob. With a swift motion, she swung the door open, glancing inside. The fireplace crackled, emitting a fiery glow, enveloping her in the comfort of her home's interior.

As she walked further in, she flicked on the lights and set her purse down on the dark wood table in the entryway. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her phone and pressed down on a few digits. Then she pressed the phone to her ear.

It rang.

"Hello?" A male's voice answered after a few rings.

"Hi, is this Nick?" Jackie asked unsurely.

"Yeah, this is Nick."

"This is Jackie."

"Oh, hi, Jackie." Nick was surprised to hear from her, and he began to wonder why she called him.

"I stopped by your house to check on Lesley, and I'm concerned." Jackie started, "She asked me for the Meyers' phone number."

"Oh, God!" Nick said, irritation lacing his voice, "Do you think she's onto us?"

Jackie sighed heavily, "I don't know."


Lesley took a screenshot of Katherine Meyer's information, her thoughts swirling as she pondered her next steps. 

Should she call Katherine or simply appear at her residence? 

However, Lesley recognized the recklessness of the latter option. She needed to approach this situation with subtlety, much like a lion stalking its prey - she had to move stealthily as that was the only viable path.

Next, Lesley knew she had to rethink her initial reason for contacting Katherine. The excuse of a bathroom remodel would likely be met with skepticism, if met at all. It began to sink in that the challenge was twofold; not only would Lesley have to mask her identity, but she also had to concoct a compelling and fictional persona. She was set on presenting herself as a journalist. This plan ignited a glimmer of hope within Lesley. Hope that Katherine would be the key to the flow of information she would need to solve Leah's case.

It was a little after 9:00 a.m. - a perfect time to call Katherine.

Lesley picked up her phone and gazed down at the screen. Using her index finger, she pressed down on the buttons, dialing Katherine's phone number.

Inhaling a deep breath, she put the phone to her ear.

It rang.

"Hello?" came a gentle voice, barely more than a whisper, through the phone.

"Hi, is this Katherine Meyers?" Lesley inquired, adopting her practiced journalist tone.

"Yes, speaking," Katherine responded.

"I apologize if this isn't an inconvenient time to speak, but I'm an independent journalist from New York, and I've been delving into your daughter's case, Leah Meyers." Lesley began, "First, I want to tell you that I understand the sensitivity of this case. And I would also like to offer my sincere condolences to you. Leah sounded like she was a lovely woman."

Katherine breathed a heavy sigh into the phone, "She was a lovely, lovely woman." she emphasized.

There was a moment of dead silence until Lesley began to speak again.

"I know this is tough for you, but with genuine concern, I am here to help," she began. "If you can help me push the Arcaden Police Department to reopen this case, you may finally get closure," she said in a compassionate tone.

"How can I go about helping you?" Katherine inquired, "I've been desperate to get them to reopen the case for the past several years." 

"Well, as you know, I'm a journalist." Lesley replied, "Maybe we can meet over coffee and discuss a plan of action."

"Yes, I'd be willing to meet." Katherine's voice lowered, "Thank you, Lesley."

"Of course! I'm here to get justice for Leah."

"Lesley, I've been a complete mess these past few years. I've tried everything, and nobody will budge because the councilman has so much power in this town." Katherine sobbed, "From my understanding, he has a sibling that is a big shot mayor somewhere in New Jersey or Maryland and other well-known family members in politics."

"Who is he?" If only Katherine could divulge this information, Lesley's search would then progress to an investigation that would uncover the unknown city councilman and his dealings with Lesley.

"They won't tell me." Katherine cried, "I know my daughter was involved with him, and I told her to end the relationship. It was a secret relationship, kept under wraps because he was married and my daughter was just a teenager- eighteen." she explained, sorrow lacing her voice.

"I know this is difficult for you, Katherine." Lesley took a deep breath, "But would you be open to sharing some insights about Leah and answering a few questions for me?" She said in the gentlest voice she could muster.

Katherine's sniffles and sobs echoed through the phone line, worrying Lesley, hoping she hadn't scared Katherine away. She was hoping against hope that Katherine wouldn't end the call. The thought of her doing so gripped Lesley's heart. It would make it even more difficult to get justice for Leah. Katherine was now her only hope.

Lesley pressed the phone closer to her ear. Her senses heightened in anticipation of Katherine's response.

"Hello?" Lesley nervously spoke into the phone, "Are you still there?"

A faint sniffle breathed into the phone, "Yes, I am here."

"Will you be willing to help me get justice for your daughter, Leah?" Lesley gripped the phone tighter.

With a sob, Katherine replied, "Yes, of course I am."

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