10|| The Case

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Having returned home, Nick and Lesley settled in. However, beneath the surface, there was a lingering tension brewing between them. Nick couldn't help but feel frustrated with Lesley for venturing off into the lake and the surrounding forest without considering her own safety. Despite his growing impatience, he knew he had to put her well-being first. So, before bombarding her with questions, he checked in on her.

"How are you feeling, Les?" Nick asked with a comforting pat on her back as he sat beside her.

"I'm alright, I guess," Lesley replied somberly, her eyes laden with grief.

Nick gently draped a soft blue blanket over her shoulders while she sat on the couch.

"Les, are you sure you just weren't hearing voices?"

Her eyes widened as she met Nick's gaze, "Nick, are you serious?! "Lesley questioned, "You heard Officer Todd. He said they never found her body!"

The heat of anger rose within her chest.

Does Nick really think I'm crazy? She thought.

"A girl was drowning out there, most likely Leah, and I'm determined to find her!" she asserted defensively.

Nick's patience wore even thinner whenever she mentioned the drowning girl. Nonetheless, he knew he had to approach the situation delicately to get to the bottom of it without pushing her away.

"Lesley, I'm not saying I don't believe you. I think you need some help dealing with it." Nick explained, his voice a mixture of compassion and concern, "I mean, what you witnessed is traumatic, and I don't doubt that for a second."

He gave Lesley a moment to digest his words or share her thoughts, but she remained silent with her eyes fixated on the floor.

The minutes ticked by until Nick decided to break the silence, "I'm here for you, Les." He assured her, gently placing his hand over hers.

Lesley raised her gaze, and her eyes met Nick's.

"Lesley, I think it'd be a good idea for you to go see Dr. Benson again," Nick started in a gentle yet concerned voice, "Or perhaps have him refer you to a therapist who specializes in treating people who've been through traumatic experiences. It could be helpful to learn some coping strategies."

Lesley's mind was a swirling storm of emotions, and the mention of Dr. Benson and therapists only added to her turmoil. She didn't need anyone to analyze her experience and what she encountered.

Before Lesley could respond to Nick's suggestion, her phone rang, interrupting the moment. She glanced down at the screen, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Officer Grant's name in bold letters. The green icon glowed with a sense of urgency, and without hesitation, she answered.

"Officer Grant!" Lesley exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of anxiety and anticipation. She rose from the couch, the blue blanket sliding off her shoulders and pooling onto the hardwood floor.

"Hi, Lesley, how are you?" Officer Grant's voice sounded steady and reassuring. "I hope you're doing better."

Lesley didn't respond. Officer Grant was only on the line because he could hear her breathing.

"I just have a few more questions for you. Is it okay if we talk now?"

Lesley nodded instinctively, though Officer Grant couldn't see her. "Sure."

He asked her to replay the eerie encounter in the forest step-by-step. Lesley's mind traveled back to that haunting moment when she had heard the teenage girl's voice, desperate and trapped in a sinister reality.

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