23|| Investigation

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Lesley pulled out the brown rickety chair with scuffed-up legs opposite Officer Todd's desk and sat down, facing him. The chair creaked slightly and wobbled. Lesley instinctively pressed down on its sides, stabilizing it. Todd lowered his head and shuffled through the paperwork spread across his desk while Lesley sat patiently, waiting for him to finish.

As she glanced around the office, her eyes trailed up the weathered walls. Tangled spiderwebs were dangling in the corners, and a tinge of yellow decorated the small yet evident cracks in the worn walls. Her gaze abruptly shifted to the right as something in the corner of her eye caught her attention: an old take-out coffee cup was rolling along the linoleum floor, escaping the overfilled trash can. Todd's office gave Lesley the jitters.

The dim lights suddenly flickered, casting an eerie, unsettling atmosphere over the dingy, dust-speckled office, intensifying Lesley's unease.

Todd laid his hand over the mouse, maneuvering it around as he stared intently at the computer screen. He typed in a few words, prompting the system to generate a new case number for Nick's disappearance.

"So, your husband has gone missing?" He asked Lesley as he removed his hand from the mouse, and shifted his attention away from the computer and onto Lesley.

She nodded. "Yes, he was supposed to return two nights ago." She said, sorrow lacing her voice.

"Two nights ago?" Todd asked with curiosity. "Why did you wait until now to contact us?" He questioned, furrowing his brows.

Lesley was at a loss for words, and guilt was already gnawing at her.

"Admittedly, I was just too focused on the Leah Meyers case." She lowered her head in shame, shifting her gaze down to her neatly folded hands resting on her lap.

"I understand," Todd said compassionately, feeling remorse for doubting Lesley's actions. He recognized her as a person with a strong sense of empathy. After more than two decades on the force, Todd had developed a keen sense for identifying those who carried compassion compared to those who lacked it. "Do you have any idea where he is?"

She shook her head. "The last time I spoke to him, he was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida," she explained. "He had a layover in Charlotte, North Carolina."

Todd picked up a blue pen, flipped open a notepad, and began jotting down all the information Lesley relayed to him regarding Nick.

"From Fort Lauderdale to Charlotte," he muttered. "Hmmm." His eyes moved toward the ceiling as was deep in thought. He would potentially have to reach out to other jurisdictions, seeking out their help in Nick's missing persons case.

Lesley nervously shook her leg as she sat, waiting for Todd to formulate a plan of action. Thirty minutes later, after their conversation, she gathered the courage to inquire about his nephew, Greg.

"Before I leave," Lesley began, "Were you aware of your nephew Greg's relationship with Leah?"

Todd's eyes widened in surprise. His mind raced, curious how Lesley had discovered that information, being that his nephew Greg was never a suspect in Leah's case.

Todd cleared his throat. "They had a puppy love relationship; they were kids," Todd shrugged. He explained it nonchalantly. "They broke up, and Leah began dating a now retired city councilman. Greg had nothing to do with her after that."

Lesley shifted in her chair. "Are you sure?"

Todd's eyebrows furrowed, and he stood up. "Lesley, I think it's time for you to go," he said, his gaze fixed on her.

Then, his demeanor swiftly shifted as he remembered the primary reason for Lesley's visit - her husband's disappearance. This rekindled Todd's sense of empathy toward her.

"I'm truly sorry about what happened to your husband, Lesley," Todd said with a heartfelt tone, clasping his hands together in front of him. "I've already opened the investigation, and we'll make every effort to find him." He gazed directly into Lesley's eyes. "I promise."


As Lesley drove back home, she decided to stop by the local bar for a drink and maybe a basket of fries as her stomach was rumbling and she hadn't eaten all day. One margarita would do it, or maybe two, she thought. She merely needed something to relax and calm her- something that would help take the edge off. Worrying about Nick all day would only drive her into a world of insanity. She had faith in Todd, though. She knew he would do all he could to find Nick.

Parking her car right outside the bar, she exited her vehicle. As soon as her boot touched the pavement, a cool breeze of air brushed against her, sending a shiver down her spine and goosebumps racing down her arms.

Reaching the entrance, she pulled the door wide open, stepping into the bar. The air inside felt muggy, prompting Lesley to quickly shed her coat. The lights were dim, casting a shadowy ambiance over the interior. The scent of freshly grilled burgers filled the air causing Lesley to gaze into the back where she saw a cook flipping burgers over a sizzling grill. As she continued making her way to the front of the bar, she recognized the same bartender from her last visit with Denise – the tall young man with a ponytail.

She pulled out a stool and sat down, resting her arms on the counter.

"What can I get you, miss?" He asked with a straight face, wiping his hands on a blue rag.

Lesley rubbed her temples and replied. "A Margarita, please, with an extra shot of tequila."

The bartender began preparing her drink while Lesley scanned the bar. She shifted her head, looking around. It was mostly empty, except for a couple in the corner. Lesley squinted her eyes and realized the man looked familiar.

Her jaw dropped, and she hastily turned back around. It was Gary, Denise's husband. He was sitting with a young woman- they were suspiciously close to one another, alerting Lesley to a case of possible infidelity.

Was Gary cheating on Denise? Lesley thought.

The bartender placed the margarita in front of Lesley.

"Thanks!" Lesley said as she grabbed the cold glass, the condensation slipping between her fingers as she took a generous sip.

She neatly tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear while she slowly shifted her head to take another peek at Gary and the woman. Trying to be inconspicuous, she kept her head low.

Gary's laugher was danced on the corners of his lips as the young woman spoke to him. She appeared to be in her early twenties. Her presence emitted a striking vein of innocence that was evident in the dimly lit bar. Both immersed in a deep conversation, gazing into one another's eyes, as if they were drawing each other into a deeper mysterious connection.

Lesley gulped, and a sense of fear succumbed to her as a terrifying thought crossed her mind.

Was Gary the city councilman who murdered Leah?

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