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Lesley eased her BMW into the driveway of her home. The engine's low growl ceased as she shifted her car into park. The ensuing silence intensified her exhaustion, as she stifled a yawn. A shroud of darkness enveloped her and the unsettling hum of the wind whispered past her ears as she remained seated in her car. The chilling memories of earlier in the day resurfaced, replaying in her mind like a broken merry-go-round, leaving her in a state of utter disbelief.

The day had been traumatic, resulting in the accumulation of emotional scars. Thankfully, Officer Grant had come to her aid, replacing her tire, which allowed her to drive to the Arcaden Medical Center. Her heart set on reuniting with Nick, only to discover he had been airlifted to NYU Hospital. A yearning desire to be by his side plagued her from within, yet Officer Grant barred her from doing so.

"Why can't I see my husband?" Lesley argued, her frustration palpable as they stood in the emergency waiting room. "It's been an entire two weeks since I've last seen him!" She placed her hands on her forehead, growing increasingly agitated.

Officer Grant raised his hand, subtly signaling for her to calm down. "I know, it's been terrible, especially considering everything you've been through," He explained. "But this is an ongoing investigation, and we need to interview him once he's out of surgery. You'll be able to see him soon after."

Lesley released a heavy sigh. "I've been through enough, Grant," She began, her voice filled with sorrow. "All I want is my husband."

"I understand, Lesley," Officer Grant's voice softened with compassion. "But we need to get to the bottom of this and find out who helped Greg hold Nick hostage."

Lesley lowered her head, her heart heavy with grief.

"Why don't you go home and take it easy tonight?" He suggested. "I'll call you with any new developments."


Lesley strolled through her front door, extending her arm out, she flicked on the lights, flooding the house with a warm glow. The sight of her interior filled her with a sense of relief and comfort. However, she was still reeling from the events that had transpired earlier in the day. A whirlwind of chaos stirred within. She still had no answers to anything, which deeply concerned her. But one thing consoled her, Nick's presence. And all she wanted at that very moment was to be cuddled up next to Nick, soaking in the joy of his return.

"Lesley?" A voice suddenly called out. Lesley knew that voice; it was Leah. Her ghostly silhouette slowly came into full view in the middle of Lesley's living room. Her figure suspended in the air.

"Leah!" Lesley cried at the sound of her voice. "They arrested Greg Todd. You can rest now."

"No, I can't rest, Lesley." Leah informed. "They're still out there. The former city councilman. You need to find them. You're so close, Lesley." And just as fast as she appeared, her silhouette vanished into thin air.

"Leah?!" Lesley shouted, her heart thumping against her chest. "I need your help!"

Lesley waited, but she knew Leah wouldn't return. She lowered her head in disappointment once again. Why couldn't Leah at least point me in the right direction to find out who the city councilman was? Lesley pondered.

Exhausted and stressed, she opted for a hot and relaxing bath. She climbed the stairs, gripping her phone tightly, refusing to miss a call from Grant. After all, he was her temporary lifeline to Nick.

Kneeling over the tub, she twisted the knobs, and the water gushed into the tub like a waterfall cascading into a reservoir. She undressed, her clothes falling onto the tiled floor as she released them from her hands. Extending her leg, she gingerly tapped the water with her toes, testing its warmth and it was just right. She then submerged her whole body into the bubbly bath.

Her mind was a storm of swirling thoughts, mostly of Nick. She ruminated on him, her one and only true love. And she couldn't forget about Todd, after all, he was the town's savior. A dedicated officer who consistently arrived prepared and eager to help.

Stepping out of the tub, water dripped from her body, and a tired yawn escaped her lips. She wrapped herself in a snuggly, plush towel and gently dried off her body. Afterward, she slid into her comfortable pajamas and made her way to her bedroom. It was past her bedtime and if she didn't make it to bed on time, she'd pay the price in the morning.

Lying in bed, her thoughts of Nick persisted, wrapping her heart in a band of grief. And then Todd crossed her mind, she was hopeful that Todd would make a full recovery as well. She stared at the white ceiling above her, her thoughts and emotions intertwined.

Suddenly, a chime interrupted her thoughts. Her phone, resting on the nightstand, vibrated against the wood.

Hoping it was Officer Grant with good news, she answered the phone hastily, clutching it nervously in her hand as she held it up to her ear.

"Hello?" Lesley answered, her voice trembling.

"Hi, Lesley."

Lesley sighed, disappointment coursing through her veins. She was hoping it was Officer Grant on the other end, but instead, it was Jackie.

"Hi, Jackie." Lesley replied stoically. She knew Jackie was calling because she heard about the traumatic and chaotic events that had occurred. The town was small and gossip spread faster than a wildfire in a dry forest on a summer day.

"I heard about all the chaos and commotion." Jackie began. "The whole town knows what happened, and everyone is so proud of you."

Lesley remained silent, and an unsettling stillness hung in the air.

She couldn't find much to be proud of at the moment. Nick was in the hospital, and to the best of her knowledge, Todd was as well. To top it off, the others who had been involved with Greg in Leah's murder were still on the loose.

Jackie broke the silence. "I hope I'm not bugging you. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright." She said. The concern in her voice was evident.

"Jackie, it's been a very hectic day, not to mention a very hectic few months."

"I know. I know." Jackie lowered her head, her gaze fixed on the beige carpet. "When I heard about what happened, my heart broke for you and Nick. How is he doing?"

Lesley took a deep breath. "I don't know yet. Arcaden Medical Center had him flown out to NYU Hospital. His injury required surgery at their trauma center."

Jackie gasped. "I am so sorry, Lesley." She said, sorrow lacing her voice. "If you need anything, just remember, I'm only a phone call away."

"Thank you, Jackie."

After they hung up, Lesley closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face as she cried herself to sleep.

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