5|| Overcoming

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Dr. Benson's clumpy bifocals hung low on his nose as he peered over them, "We have a case of exhaustion here." He informed. His small, dark eyes gazed into Lesley's, "You should remain on bed rest for two weeks."

He lowered his head, glancing at the white paper clipped to his wooden clipboard. Then, reaching into the front pocket of his white coat, pulled out a blue pen and scribbled down his recommended aftercare instructions.

"Also, be sure to drink at least six glasses of water daily." Dr. Benson added before he unclipped the paper from his clipboard and handed it to Lesley.

Lesley's eyes shifted down to the paper.

Lesley's eyes shifted down to the paper

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Lesley knew she couldn't adhere to Dr. Benson's ridiculous aftercare instructions. She immediately planned to open up her photography business in Arcaden as soon as she got home.

"Please follow my instructions. You'll feel better in no time." Dr. Benson smiled," And when you get better, I suggest you take up Yoga or another form of exercise. It'll help," His smile still plastered on his face, "Any questions for me?"

Lesley shook her head. She had already been taking yoga, but decided that she maybe needed to immerse herself deeper in it.

Bending her head, she once again stared down at the instructions clutched in her hands. She found herself in a daze, perplexed by the necessity of resting for two weeks. It didn't make sense to her since she didn't feel unwell or fatigued.

"Well then, I'll see you in two weeks. Take care." Dr. Benson turned around, making his way toward the door. He gripped the door handle and twisted it, opening up the door.

"Dr. Benson?" Lesley blurted, stopping him before he could step outside of the room.

He turned back around, meeting Lesley's gaze.

"Yes, Lesley?"

"Does it have to be two weeks? Can I be on bed rest for one week? I honestly don't feel bad at all." Lesley asked with desperation in her voice.

Dr. Benson used his pointer finger to push his eyeglasses further upon his nose.

"I'm afraid not. Two weeks is best. And you may not feel exhausted, but you have displayed the symptoms from what I've gathered." Dr. Benson walked towards Lesley, placing his hand on her shoulder, "You'll be fine. I promise."

Lesley's mouth curved down into a frown, "Okay." she replied solemnly.

Dr. Benson walked back to the door and stepped outside. He delicately closed the door behind him.

Lesley rolled her eyes up at the ceiling, "Great!" she muttered sarcastically to herself. She then hopped off the examination table and returned to the waiting room where she spotted Nick sitting in a gray chair. His head was and his thumb on the screen as he scrolled through his phone.

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