33|| Evidence Emerged

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Lesley's stress and disappointment deepened as the clock continued to tick. Without any new developments, she understood that their chances of obtaining the crucial evidence they desperately needed dwindled with every passing moment. Frustration gnawed at her, and she knew all too well that this was how cold cases went cold.

Greg's continued silence was another frustrating hurdle they all had to contend with. However, Lesley soon discovered it was Greg who revealed to Officer Todd that Gary was somehow involved in Leah Meyers's tragic drowning. Supposedly, Gary wanted her dead, too. The information was passed on to Officer Grant, who, in turn, informed Lesley.

Lesley sat at the kitchen table, gazing out of the window. The leaves scattered about as they danced and twirled from the trees. The morning showers morphed into a full-on thunderstorm, leaving Lesley grateful that she was nestled inside her home while Nick took a much-needed nap upstairs. She decided she'd make herself a cup of tea when she heard the sound of her phone chime. Glancing down at it, the caller ID notified her who was on the other end of the line.

"Hello, Officer Grant." Lesley greeted. The pitter-patter from the rain sounded against the window sill as the raindrops continued pouring down.

"Hi, Lesley." Officer Grant began. "How's Nick doing?"

"He's doing well, but he's still struggling with nightmares," Lesley said with disappointment evident in her voice.

Officer Grant cleared his throat. "There are no new developments. But I understand you were curious how Gary got tangled up in this mess?"

"Yes, I'm truly curious because Gary is such an admirable man." Lesley explained, "I just don't understand."

"Greg admitted to Officer Todd that Gary assisted him." Officer Grant said.

Lesley furrowed her brow, struggling to make sense of the situation. "So you're saying you don't believe Greg is setting up Gary?" She asked, her fingers massaging her temples. "I mean, is that even possible?"

"Lesley, I've served in law enforcement for over three decades," Officer Grant responded. He coughed as he cleared his throat. "I've seen many cases where the guilty party was the last person anyone would suspect. It pains me to say it, but even politicians can be the most devious."

Lesley's voice quivered with concern. "Officer Grant, I'm deeply troubled. According to Denise, Gary is innocent, and I believe her. I had my doubts about him, but when I reflect back on how much he's given to the community- how he's helped the children here, and what a loving husband he is to Denise, it just doesn't add up."

"Lesley, let us wrap up our investigation, and we'll make sure to keep you informed of any new developments." Officer Grant reassured her, sidestepping any discussion of Gary's pristine reputation. "Our primary focus at the moment is coaxing information out of Greg. We need to determine if there were more individuals involved."

Lesley nodded. "Ok." She said, sorrow lacing her voice.

"By the way, has Nick shared any details about his time being held captive by Greg?"

Lesley's mouth curved into a frown. "No, he hasn't." She admitted. "He's been plagued by constant nightmares."

"Please don't hesitate to call me if Nick mentions anything crucial about his time with Greg." Officer Grant urged.

"Will do," Lesley promised. They bid each other farewell, and she ended the call with a final exchange of words.

Lesley's trust in Officer Grant had waned, and a growing uncertainty gripped her as she pondered the true identities of the other suspects involved. A relentless unease churned within her, whispering that it couldn't possibly be Gary, a sinister shadow lurking in the depths of sadism.

And then there was Officer Todd, Gary's lifelong best friend. She'd intended to check upon Officer Todd, but the demands of caring for Nick and consoling her best friend Denise after Gary's arrest had left her with little time to spare. Her photography business also took a brutal hit, and it now lay in neglect amidst the neverending chaos. Feeling enmeshed in the turbulent whirlwind, Lesley made a resolute decision to visit Officer Todd. A deep gnawing wouldn't allow her to rest until she had answers. Desperately needed answers.

Lesley stood at the kitchen sink, the water cascading from the faucet, and the gentle hum of the dishwasher wove a soothing symphony in the background. With a twist of the sink's knob, she silenced the rushing water, plunging the room into a momentary hush. Turning her attention to the stack of clean dishes, she carefully dried them off and placed them back in their designated spaces in the cabinet. While she was focused on the task at hand, a soft chime of the doorbell startled her.

Who could that be? She thought as she dried her hands off on the kitchen towel.

Gripping the doorknob, she cautiously peered through the peephole before unlocking it. Noticing who it was, she swung the door open.

"Hi, Jackie!" She greeted me with a warm smile.

Jackie stood on the doorstep, the persistent raindrops pouring down from the sky, a gloomy backdrop mirroring the grim expression across her face.

"I've got some devastating news!" Her voice trembled with panic and fear. "Officer Todd was involved in the tragic drowning of Leah Meyers. I've even got proof!"

Peering into her purse, she reached inside and pulled out a red flash drive. With chilling confidence, she stated, "Here's the video evidence showing that Officer Todd murdered Leah!"

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