Chapter 6

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Hello loves! Hope you enjoy this chappie ^_^


We were stepping on the second step of the stairs when the door bell rang, I felt my heart between my legs and my eyes widened as much as possible.

"It's okay Franny, that's my dad." Kian tried to comfort me, I closed my eyes trying to calm myself "Wanna come to open the door with me?" Kian asked and I nodded.

We walked towards the door, I wore my cardigan quickly and tried to fix my hair "Don't worry, you look gorgeous." Kian said giving me a charming smile and I melted inside.

Kian opened the door and his father appeared with a warm smile. He doesn't look like Kian at all, so I think Kian looks like his mother.

Mr...... Mr. Kian's father is wearing a black blazer with a white button-up shirt, his black tie tied neatly. He looks in the middle of 40ies I guess, his blonde hair styled back neatly and his big warm smile is so comforting.

I expected him to be surprised to see his son with a girl he doesn't even know in a time that he has to be in school, but he rang the bell and it means that he knows that there's someone in the house; awkward.

"Hello lovely lady." Mrs. ........ ugh I should ask about his name "Hi." I smiled the best I can at him "Mr. Lawley." He extends his hand and I shook it "Franny. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lawley." I said smiling at him "Oh, call me George. Excuse me I'll be back within minutes." He walked upstairs.

"You liked him?" Kian asked smiling "Yeah, he's so nice.....but I won't call him George, I mean I just met him and he's older than me with so much; it's not logical." I explained.

Kian chuckled "It's completely okay when it comes to dad, just wait to chat with him for 5 minutes, you'll like him more than me. He's spirited, one of the believers in 'YOLO'. He's 43 years old but his soul is only 25." Kian remarked.

Wow, this seems awesome. But I will NEVER like someone more than Kian.

"I already like him" I said chuckling. "But not more than you." I smiled at him and he smiled back briiiightly.


The three of us were sitting in the kitchen, while I was adding some whipped cream to the cupcakes.

"Kian, you're not a gentleman like I thought." George (who forced me to call him with this) said in a playful manner, shaking his head slowly and trying to hide his smile.

"Whyyy?" Kian said in a dramatic way pretending to sob. Oh my god I love this family.

"A gentleman won't let his lady do anything in his place." George answered

Wait what? His lady? I laughed at kian's reaction which was: "Woah dad, his lady? We're just friends." His face was priceless, and what's even funnier is when George added fuel to the fire by saying "Oh come on Kian, you're my son I know this look." George was laughing too but when I saw the colour of Kian's face I literally burst out laughing, he was redder than a tomato.

"Daad!!" Oh my god he's so hilarious. He's embarrassed yet angry but want to laugh, you can tell by his facial expression that he's having a roller coaster of emotions. "If it wasn't true, you wouldn't make it a big deal." George said trying to calm his laughter, which he terribly failed in.

"Dad can we talk for a minute?" Kian said firmly and George stopped laughing when he heard kian's tone "Sure." He replied and they both left me in the kitchen to finish the topping.

They came back after moments, Kian was calmer and George still have his big smile on.

We spent the rest of the day laughing so hard at the silliest things, Kian was right, George's soul is even younger than 25.

"Okay Franny, time to take you home." Kian smirked at me "But don't forget to keep your smile on, and enjoy life. Forget about any annoying thing that may happen to you and always smile, laugh at the silliest things, goof around a lot, socialise, make new friends, live life." Kian listed looking me in the eyes with serious look.

All I did was nodding and memorising every word he said to me.

"Are you leaving now?" George called from the living room, it seems like he ate too much to be able to stand up.

"Yeah, good bye George, it's a pleasure meeting you" I shouted back for him, I hear his footsteps getting closer, when he arrived he hugged me tightly and so did I "Glad to meet you too." He gave me that warm kind smile that didn't leave his face after we pulled away.

"Aye, I want a hug too." Kian said in a playful manner, but I knew that he meant it so I rushed to him and hugged him really, really tight.

"God knows how much I want to stay here." I said as we pull away "Ugh, I want that more, but school time ended and we don't want your parents to doubt anything." Kian replied

"Want me to walk you to your house?" He added "No, thanks. I'll be fine." I answered smiling at him "Be safe." George yelled after I stepped out of the house "I'll be!" I turned to him and waved for the last time.

I spent the day singing and dancing in my room, I felt like crazy! But I loved it.

Have you ever just laid in your bed, not sleeping but remembering everything that happened to you that day? Think of better comebacks you should've said? Remember the times you smiled? Remember the reason of that smile? The moments you regret and the ones you wish to repeat? The feelings you had that day? The things you hope to forget and the ones you wish to keep in your memory forever? Because that's what I did that night.

Kian gave me feelings I've never felt before, he was the reason for my smile today several times, he comforted me a lot, I laughed until my sides hurt because of him, he cared about me; he's bringing me back to life. I need this guy in my life, and I can tell that we're gonna be great friends for a long time.


Wish you like it!! Share your thoughts in the comments section please and don't forget to vote=)

A big thank you for those who added the book to their libraries it means a lot!

I also want to give the biggest thank you for my friend SelenagomezJ for helping me through literally everything in my life, love you girl!♡ Go follow her pleeeeease

10 June 2015

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