32 ◈ To Depend On

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In the afternoon, that shadow was leaned against that same hidden divot in the apartment hallway.

Seungmin quietly pocketed the house keys into his windbreaker as he stepped back to take the other in. Back pressed to the hard wall, his legs crossed over as the rubber heel of his boot hit onto the floor. An occupied gaze projected down to their depths dredging gaps in the flooring he pedestaled upon as his shoulders hunched beneath that leather coat. A tightness to those sly, yet breathtaking features which cause him to  Unassuming in the cascading of those umbral hair strands lightly waved with the damp of the corridor he hid himself away in, a idle presence with a pleasant smile to greet any who walked by his post rather than a malicious threat for any of the residents to give a wide berth to when passing. Regardless of if the reality of that lurking man was more alike the second solution than the first.

"Do you have some time? I want to walk the marina again with you," Hyunjin murmured quiet enough to not break the impossible still of the apartment hallway. The horribly draining atmosphere which tensed the human up to a statued mess as it leeched from his veins. A meager hand lifting subtly underneath the scowl he was sent, coming to rub an irkingly familiar gesture into the small strip of skin hiding behind his ear. Repeating that motion again, and again, as it's dragging tugs pressed his glances farther down to the skillfully threaded laces of his midnight black boots, forcing him to keep himself tilted down. Curled away from the human in a non threatening stance while he spoke, "Jisung had to take care of a few things, and there's something that I wanted to check."

Reluctantly, Seungmin agreed to the request once he was certain he had his servicr revolver still on him.

But not before sending a text to Felix and Minho that he would be home later than he expected; Rapidly sending an in-depth message to Minho privately of where he was going, who he was going with, when he thought he would be back, reassurances he would be fine with Hyunjin alone, and that if anything happened he would immediately call. To which, the vampire naturally protested. A lengthy chunk of text sent back to him telling him to wait a few minutes and he would go with them as well, stating to not go with Hyunjin alone, not to trust the demure glances shifting to him while they walked along the city streets together, not to listen to any of those slithering words, no matter how trustful they may appear to be. The human sighed softly at the minor panic mirroring through, sending him one more insistence, to which he hesitantly agreed.

'As long as you call me if something happens', The text read.

Pocketing his phone away, Seungmin had the minor pinch in the back of his mind telling him, he would.

This time, if something happened, Seungmin knew he wouldn't hesitate to call his friend for help.

That afternoon, that large port city seemed quiet. Sleepy. The citizens, vehicles, bustling life which never halted for a moment coming few and far between on the sidewalks while their once vigorous clamoring daydreamed. Napping under the cotton clouds and warm heat of the spinning seasons, boiling days of summer approaching on the horizon in the luminous sun bearing down on the pair as they marched side by side to their destination. The thin coatings of sweat already forming beneath the concealment of Seungmin's windbreaker and button up shirt despite the cool ocean breeze wafting off the bayside, the blusters sprinting chills across his flushed skin with that scent of sea salt drying him despite the humid mists, their absences filled with more of that scalding sun raised high in the ever blue field of the sky above them.

In the daytime, the city seemed so innocent. A home where monsters were warded off from by angelic grins beaming halos in during the lit hours.

Naïve in the passing seagulls fluttering above as they drew nearer to the port docks, the marina laying in wait within the murky waters rippling with a blushing innocence in the sunlight. The reflective peaks from the rays glimmering into Seungmin's eyes while their steps hit rhythmically against the laminate pine planks beneath them. Rippling their touching patterns, phantom glows of fingertips painting illuminesence along the hauls of the moored boats, their sizes and multitude of shapes now obvious in the broad daylight. Not hidden beneath the veil of the dark, not banging with eerie melodies against the ties rattling them with the swells of waves lapping at the pillars. A rustling like a treetop canopy shaking in the breeze. Those powerful breaths from the freezing ocean which drowned his worries away.

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