49 ◈ Retribution

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Forewarning: Jisung boss fight! If you don't want to read the fight, you can scroll down about 2/3rds of the way and get to the important stuff.

Violence! Drama! Blood! Blades! Seungmin did not take 22/23 years of bullshit just to give up in the end!

Hyunjin threw Seungmin toward the ground, the gravel shredding his hands as he tried to catch his fall. Rocks colliding with the bruised blotches, tearing into his palms.

The vampire's boot pressed into his spine.

"Kill him," That shadow hummed lowly above him. The dig of the rubber soles anchoring down between his bones, forcing his heaving chest back down to the pathway spiking into that weak flesh. Forcing him back to the unforgiving cold, the cold far below them in the muddied dust beneath those covering rocks, threatening to stomp through the strain of his lungs seeking the nightair, through the closure of that ribcage. Keeping him down as he found his arms beneath him, trying to propell himself back to his feet against the pressure holding him down. It's force sending him back dow with a rough shove, the perfect view of those boots filling Seungmin's blurring vision as that monster stepped away from him, "Do you need my help?"

Get up.

Seungmin found his shredded palms beneath him, restraining the winces it's ache coursed through him as the rocks jarred into those fresh wounds. Even if his hands shook violently, even if the world tunneled out in his eyes as he tried to concentrate on the floor beneath him, even if his heart thundered in his ears, through his veins, even if the migraine struggling to hold his body down with it's drumming, even if he thought he couldn't keep going,

Get back up.

Underneath the starlight illuminating the dark shade of the  night, chasing the shadows from their path and revealing the secrets scurrying between the cement buildings kept dormant, kept decayed where their remains could be found as echoes of a time long ago. This was a pitstop, nothing more; A transitional area between mind and matter, fake and reality, nightmares and daydreams, the line they tiptoed to stay between, in the middle ground of critical jabs taking hits at their pride, punching bags while they swung in the center, while those hallowed shadows drew longer and played manipulating tricks. Left to fend himsslf against their own jolting fears. The jerking notions of what may command the shadows to crawl. This may have been a transitional point, a liminal space, bug any trespassers and solicitors must be promptly caught. Promptly punished.

Seungmin pressed himself on wobbly elbows. Forcing himself to his palms. Forcing himself to lift his head again to those two bastards standing above him.
Breath hitching. From his defended spot on the floor, he thought the starlight swarmed the outline of the vampire. Like a radiant light entrapping him in a conical cage, the reflection of the light created a glow around Hyunjin. It lifted him, enthralling him in the abysmal gore of the night.

The light created a halo around that beastly form.

That demon.

Highlighting them both, as Seungmin watched Jisung's smile quirk up in the shade of the dark keeping his intentions hidden far from the world's eyes, "Tenacious. He's trying to stand again."

"Have fun with him, and find me when you're done. I'll find the other four," Hyunjin finished off with the monotonous grumble. Jejune bland to his eyes once turned solemn, turned melancholic, deadened. Stilled with a void of nothing hiding bids on the world to function his way, only his way, robotic machinery which clicked in rhythmic function while he turned. Boots scraping on the pebbles coating the floor while he turned around. While he found his paradigm against the rocking buildings encasing them. While he pressed to walk away. As he moved, he slithered. His back twisted and his steps glided, flying across the floor in snaking patterns, like the rearranged alagamation of the horrible monsters which were banned to corners of midnight nightmares lurching the world awake.

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